CatWalk The catwalk is the center piece to this map but don’t underestimate what lies beneath… a view of the catwalk and the sniper tower a shoulder view of a base a person in the sniper tower under the catwalk the basement the hammer pit back of the tunnel the bottom of the secret passage in the floors Download Map It is a simpal map that includes, a sniper tower, hammer pit, catwalk, two bases, a tunnle, and secret underground teleporters. It is desined with slayer in mind but is programed for all game types. PS: To use the teleporters you must jump while crouching with toggle crouch off. list of weapons on map here bellow: 1- sniper 1- hammer 1- bruteshot 1- mauler 1- carbine 1- needler 2- spikers 2- magnums 2- plasma rifles 2- smgs 2- assault rifels 3- battle rifles list of equiptment on map here bellow: 4- plasma grenades 4- spike grenades 4- frag grenades 2- flame grenades 2- regenerators 1- flare 1- power drain 1- radar jamar 1- bubble shield 1- overshield (respawn time 3 minutes) 1- cloak (respawn time 2 minutes)
Hello young person, welcome to Forgehub, I can clearly tell that you have read the rules of this website and understand that YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO EMBED ALL YOUR PICTURES. Now as I look closer at your post, I see a humongous sign of laziness which is one reason why this site might crash and burn one day. If you need help embedding pictures, view the tutorials on this website and then fix your post. It you need further assistance, contact me. Another note: Never use image shack, They don't give you an image code, use Photo bucket, it's FREE! Also, enlarge your photos.
I see you go it working. Nice map, I like all the bridges. The interlocking looks awesome. I really like that sniper tower. 4.3/5
Wow... this looks outstanding. Specifically; I love how your "Hammer Pit" is located in a fence cage area as it reminds me a construction zone and that's appealing to me for some reason, but the map itself also looks clean and original. I can tell you've worked fairly hard on this; so yeah I'll give it a shot. Props, kid.