This is a map that my friend and I made one day and it is pretty cool here it is If this link doesn't work please help me Also the map is on bungie just look up on the name UNSC RAVEN
your post is very very very very very very bad please read the requirements before posting a map also the link doesnt even work and also if it is meant for an actual game it belongs in casual not aesthitic
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
sorry I am new at this and I can never get it to work Also my 360 is broken so I can not get screen shots for a while
You are the epidemy of failure. LEARN HOW TO POST BERORE POSTING..... :Takes a deep breath: OK. Read This: How To Post Your Map (Read before posting)
I am seriously disappointed in the vast majority of you. Although I agree that this user is blatantly violating the post guidelines, only Covenant and Biggles are actually helping this kid. Everyone else is basically flaming and spamming. What happened to the old, welcoming, and helpful Forge Hub? I guess it just got updated.
This is an old thread and bumping it for a post with effectively spam is not tolerated. Behaviour in this thread is a disgrace. It only takes one person to request pictures - after that you should all move on and check back later for an update rather than jumping on the bandwagon. Usually I would leave it there but I am fed up with this and desire to show you what will happen in future - post deletion, and in cases of extreme idiocy, negative rep or infractions. Good day.