when you make a map it is usually a good concept. but most of the time it is sloppy one thing u can to do to make your map better 1.you hold your object in the position you want it 2. then save changes then end game when you restart it the object will be in the exact same position
Wow, apparently you don't understand sarcasm. This is old. Ancient, in fact. About 98% of good maps have used this technique at least once. Next time, search and see if somebody has already given the advice.
wow you guys are assholes. i mean, i guess thats what one gets when they try to contibute to the community. why couldnt you just be like "yeah, we know about that one, but thanks for the tip?" instead of being like omg this should be considered as spam or and hes like... a moderator. seriously, if i were sargamesh id be like smoke my pole
okay- in light of this- yes it is in forging 101 and if u havnt looked yet there is plent of advice on how to make maps greater. as for the guys above its only a joke, calm down. if u find a good technique in v future which isnt on v list send it in...
Yeah, this is explained in Forging 101, and in much greater detail. Thanks for trying to contribute to the community, but by making redundant threads, either as a joke or not, you're cluttering the forums and ultimately making it more difficult for members to find useful information. Please use the search function at the top of the page to find out if you're about to post something new.