Actually very simple. All you have to do is spawn a palette, and under the palette four fusion coils at the corners. Next, put an overshield next to your palette and coils. Get the overshield and get on top of the palette. Shoot one of the fusion coils and you will be propelled very far up the map I'll probably get pics tonight...
Nice Idea, but really you could go flying anywhere. Also, people will just grab teh overshield and not go up the elevator. Next time, just modify your first post instead of posted twice (no double posting its in the rules) and embed your picture. Right idea though so just expand on it and you could have yourself a very nice elevator
Yeah, if you combine this with a shaft it would be great! I wish bungie would allow coding to halo though :/ Begin If <Fusion Coil>'s color = red then give <Player> Overshield x1 End If end
you could maybe put something like a fence wall on top of the fusion coils because they block players from explosions but not items then a crate and a shaft...but that would already be pretty high up which seems to be the problem w/ elevators, you can't get them on the ground
i made a CTF map with two working elevators. one in the center of the main base (shown here) and another "service elevator" to flank the second floor. also the starcase wraps around the main elevator. [img width=800 height=450][/img] yeahhh... i tried advertising this very well balanced level on forgehub a few months back. i got 2 downloads... yay...
maybe you should tell us how your elevator works, so that we know, and to help minion and everybody else...
k what you do is: there is a deployable grav lift sitting ontop of the box. stand ontop of the box throw grav lift down it goes through the box and it propels you two floors up up there the floor hangs over a small bit so that the elevator comes to a complete stop you walk off then people have to go all the way up the stairs around until the grav lift dies
Most would indeed, take the over shield and run with it. Plus, you could go anywhere with that elevator.