Here's a new screenshot effect that i thougt was cool and im going to put up a guide in this thread later on how to do it, but until then check out my example. Mark VI Description: "jump feet first into hell" And here's the download link if you would like to download it: Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing And don't forget to tell me what you think about the pic and the effect. mg: The Guide: to create a effect like this you need a tank and NO flare or grenade just go to forge and spawn a tank on avalanch and then place your spartan/elite on top of the tanks wheels and stand still. next step is to shoot one time with the tank and after that you just end the game. third step is to go in to theatre and have the camera in front of the tank then slightly press RT - (right trigger) because you can only see this effect in like 1 sec. when the tank fire's it will come some fire and smoke from the pipe just before the tank grenade or what to call it comes out of the pipe and if you go into this fire you will get this effect. and if you look closely on the picture above you can see that the thing he stands on is the tanks wheels and the circle on the left side is the pipe.
youre all wrong it's an tank and the circle on his left side is not an grenade it's the tank pipe, read the guide so that you can do it yourself and it do not include a flare or grenade.