Paintball v1.8 Created by Sticky32 Supported Gametypes: Paintball v1.2, CTF Paintball Map Description this is a paintball map using the large part of foundry. Defenders spawn inside a 2 story house that has multiple windows and doords to shoot out of. Attackers spawn out on the front lawn behind cover, they have plenty of cover to hide behind. Game Description spawn with plasma pistols and no gernades or radar. teammates have no waypoint so remember your color. gravity is set to 150%, no sheilds, 10% damage resistance (for 1 hit kills), 200% damage Weapons/ Equipment on map: 3x plasma pistol: respawn: never 2x plasma rifle: respawn: never 3x plasma turrent: respawn: never 1x deployable cover: respawn: never 2x flare: respawn: never 2x trip mine: respawn: never 2x frag gernades: respawn: never _________________________________________________ overveiw plasma pistol plasma rifle attckers gernade front of house back door garage table breakable floor stairs top floor defenders gernade _________________________________________________ thank you for checking out this map, any comments would help Download paintball HERE : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download paintball v1.2 HERE : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
well this looks pretty cool... like the intrecate system of passages and entrances and such... i advise making the house a little bigger... to add suspense and OH I NO HES GOING TO BE RIGHT AROUND THIS CORNER... type effect tho the cramed nice is kinda cool i think bigger would be better keep it crammed tho... nice work interlocking looks pretty straight and such tho im not sure a trip mine is fair lol... but nice... keep forginh
Seems that the attacking team has a big advantage. they have turrets, more weapons (looks like it) and a lot more cover, all they have to do is watch the entrances and kill the enemies whilke they run accross the floor, id add likke bunkers along the way that you can hide in. also id replace the deployable cover with a bubble sheild. It looks like its fun to play on, though but do u have unlimited ammo?
I really like the idea of this map, however The house looks sloopy. U did a goo0d job, maybe make a v2 and clean it up. I really like the grenade with the geomerged crain.
the house looks nice, too small and hectic though. it looks like a fun play. i will have to give it a dl and see whats up with it.
wow this looks pretty cool i like the idea that the attackers spawn in the front yard and the defenders in the house it seems real. the house be a little bigger and cleaner and you should take out the trip mine becuase it seems unfair. you should definitly make a v2 ill have to give 2 ratings ORIGINALITY: 5/5 MAP: 4.75/5
you can only see about half of the house from the pics( wouldnt let me take any more). all the weapons are placed evenly. you dont not have unlimited ammo (which is why there are more weapons on the map) there probably well be another version that fixes some sloppy parts. thanks for your comments plz keep them coming.
im really digging this map man. it kinda reminds me of an old shack. which just makes it all the spookier. i like how u made it so once the weapons are used they dont spwn again. good idea. i use that on my maps. 4.5/5 -.5 for it bieng a bit sloppyz.