If they had "Zombies vs. Werewolves" "" you might say. well, if you, as a werewolf, kill a zombie, they spawn as a Werewolf if you kill a Werewolf, as a zombie, they will spawn as a zombie. so, it's sorta like 2-way Zombies..... It would have a time limit, so you could not camp out forever, if you were the last man standing.... well? what you think?:shiver:
Damn that would be fun. You could have the game keep going until one side is completely wiped out. A very interesting concept. I dont know how it could be brought into halo though. Maybe in the next halo-like game bungie releases they could do that.
Or, a type of game where there was a juggernaut who was the human. If you killed the human, you became the human. The only problem with making it right now is that you cant have them automatically pick up a human weapon.
I wish we could get a gametype going with CTF KOTH Oddball all going on at once, and all worth enough points to make that particular objective worthwhile. 1 point/sec for oddball and KOTH, maybe 30 points for flag caps, and 1 point per kill.
That would be called war. Anyways, I love the idea of two-way zombies. A better name would be Prisoner, because you are a prisoner of one team, who makes you work for the team.
My only question is who would win. If you win by one team getting all the players, would everyone win. What is the incentive to play?
the winners are the team's original players (example: a,b,c,d on red team; e,f,g,h on blue. at the end everybody is red. only a,b,c,d are considered winners) the only possible downside is people would want to stay on that team, and after they switch would deliberately switch back by walking out in the open. so a ffa version of this would end up better than 2 sided, but both should still be available
thought of it... lol it would be soooo awesome though... i always want to do it in an airsoft war.... but NOOO we need to play stupid capture the flag
it sounds like alot of fun, but idk about warewolves. what about human vs zombies, when u kill the zombie as human its like giving them an antedote and the zombie becomes human. i guess you cud call it humans vs flood.
I agree, alot of people would try to do this. But they could possibly get there friends on the new team instead of going back, so it might balance out. It would just depend on how you played it. But this is a pretty cool idea. You could do it like the golden age of zombies on halo 2. When you kill sombody they go to the menu and switch teams. You would just have to make sure nobody cheated.
That would be amazing, sorta like a tug a war gametype. I would love to play this if it were possible.
If I remember correctly, someone once posted something about how to do this...only a certain amount of people spawned at the start, everyone had one life, and it was set to teammate spawn on kills. So when you killed someone on the other team, one of your teammates would spawn back in.