So, I was out watching my highschool football game and when I came back I checked my messages on LIVE. My friend wanted me to play with him and his 2 General friends, so I hopped on. Everythings going fine and then we find a match; it kicks me out. I try searching by myself for about 5 other games; kicks me out. I go into forge and I cant load anything: Player failed to load content. Now, rewinding a little; After putting in my Halo disc I was prompted to download a patch. I thought it might be the patch to fix the Matchmaking skill and EXP glitch, so I eagerly downloaded. I tell my friend about this in a message; he never got it. About now I should also mention that I cant recieve game invites, messages or private chat invites. That and every displays as Offline; yet I can still send messages and invites. So, I was wondering if anyone else got this "Patch" or are experiencing any of the above problems. And if worse comes to worse, is there a way to remove only a single patch from my Xbox or do I have to remove them all?
Contact Microsoft. I never got a patch, and I doubt Bungie would call it a patch. Something's up, especially if you say that it says everyone is offline.
The number wont work for some reason...\ EDIT: Nevermind, realized I was hitting a 0 instead of an 8 XD stupid cell phones
I thought of that at first, too, but it's not that easy. I think that's the correct number. I'm going to call it now. EDIT: I got the same thing.
well i'm pretty sure you got hacked. who did you piss off. if the credit card you used for xbl is yours, not your parents, then keep an eye on it. if any weird things are bought, then i'd cancel it. but i doubt that. so i assume someone hacked your account, and made it impossible for you to play. and yes, it is possible. i unfortunetly had a similar experience.
I hope that didnt happen. I just called them and apparently theyre expiriencing network difficulties, in which some people cant sign onto LIVE. But they havent encountered my situation yet, where you can sign on but cant play games. Im gonna disable my cards now.
your gonna disable your credit cards. thats kinda fast. maybe its nothing, i'm just giving you my opinion, or can you just take them off, and put them back when everything is k? seems kinda like a pain to me.
I called the MYXBOX thing. They said the same thing since 'there updating the system.' I doubt you were hacked.
Before I called them and said XBOX LIVE and they told me they havent encountered this yet. Now I just called and said GAMES and they told me its all part of the maintenance. Lol?
ya, i wouldn't cancel the cards yet. but its still kinda odd, a patch that only you got, and know you can't play. sry but sounds like hack to me.
On it says they resolved the issue already and are working on the Halo 3 no exp/skill glitch... | Xbox LIVE Discussion - Xbox LIVE Status Yet I still cant get on...I think I will take them off
it could be some sort of modded virus. like some maps and screen shots are modded or have a virus on it and when u opened it it activated it somehow.
You should go through your memory on ur xbox and look through it for the patch thing then delete it, also there is this thing you can do at the xbox startup screen that like resets the memory or somthing...
I deleted all of my patches and am going to keep my 360 off for a while. It still wont let me play Halo games but my Rainbow 6 seems to be working on LIVE now...I really dont want to have my account hacked; those were my dads credit cards. I dont think I ever pissed anyone off; then again I am on my 4th Halo account xD
Maybe Bungie disabled your account for having four accounts... they are banning boosters and having multiple accounts is boosting I'm pretty sure. Check all your other accounts, see if they work.
Didnt recieve any messages about it; plus its a first warning - ban from EXP only. Besides, its second accounts its perfectly fine. Its like saying buy Xbox but if you make more than one account we wont let you play anymore.
No having multiple accounts will not get you banned. If you want more help you should post something about it in the bungie forms and ask for a bungie employee, or send an employee a PM about it.
yes i agree with you about that except it might not be a glitch or anything like that it has happened to me before eventually it quits so..