I'm not including the campaign equipment for this post. You know, Auto Turret, Invincibility, clocking, if you can't place it forge mode its not on here. I also took out power ups, I only want there to be true equipment. So the question is, which piece of equipment do you like the most? How do you mostly use it? I'm going with power drain, it can be one of the most useful pieces of equipment around. I've gotten so many double kills with it... It has so many different functions, bring down enemy shields, immobilize vehicles. It is (IMO) the best equipment out there. Gotta C.Q. camper? Throw a power drain and a grenade to clear them out. Need into the opponents base to get the flag? Power Drain + BR = Godly Extermination.
Lets see. Im going to have to go with the regenerator for obvious reasons. It really helps me in tough situations when my shields are down and I have no where to go. But it doesn't work all the time but it is still my fav.
Even if it isn't in Matchmaking or in many competitive forge maps, I LOVE the flare, everyone screams in rage when you throw it It's the ultimate annoyance in Halo 3!
i say deployable cover because with some weapons can shoot through it from the inside(ex:assault rifle, battle rifle, and i think sniper rifle).
Well the regen is useless against most weapons, Sniper, Shotty, Rocket, Laser, Sword, Hammer, and more. Because they can one hit kill someone. Regen is a useful tool but it is not my favourite peice of equipment. I'd never be in a hurry to acquire it. A lot of the equipment aren't very practical or really useful in a lot of situation. The flare causes an annoyance yet it can be useful to blind an enemy at mid to long range and take them out. Not a competitive peice of equipment. Radar Jammer is useful but it causes frustration in both teams. It's a bitter sweet tool yet it is far from mine and a lot of other people's favourite. Trip Mines are fun. Yet they're no where near as useful as they were in the beta. You can no longer drop a trip mine, disappear and hope you pick up a kill. Now when you deploy it; the best you can expect if you're not there to finish the job is to pick up an assist. Deployable covers are more useful as a jump assist. They're taken out fairly easy. It's just a way to prevent being fired at for a few seconds and to let your sheilds regain. But they don't fully protect you. In tunnels they're an excellent blocking tool. Power Drain could be considered a power weapon. In close quartered situations it is absolutely devastating. When combined with a BR it is a deadly combination. Grav Lift is just awesome. Your own little boost to the top level. A portable Grav Lift is such an awesome concept and it is one of my favourite tools in Halo 3. Bubble Sheild is my personal Favourite. Essentially, temporarily wrapping yourself in sheild doors, what's not to like? Fooling people into entering your Bubble then surprise them with a sticky or a shotty. If you have or have not noticed; Bubble sheilds are in pretty much all maps. As are power drains. In most Default maps there are 3 peices of equipment; a Bubble Sheild, a Power Drain and something else.
The Third one is probably the regenerator. Bubble shield, power drain, and regenerator. That sounds right don't you think?
In most of the default maps there are the Bubble Sheild, Power Drain and in some maps the third is a regen. In Isolation, there's a flare. Ghost Town; Grav Lift. I cannot remember the others at the moment.
i never knew that isolation had a flare, but i knew ghost town had a grav lift. Doesn't last resorts default map have a radar jammer, or is that a flare?
Indeed, Last Resort has a Radar Jammer and as you may not be aware; it does not respawn. Same with the Laser. On Last Resort there's a Spartan Laser and Rader Jammer fairly close to each other and they are both set to never respawn.
Wow. The lazer doesn't respawn. Lol. I always take advantage of it when it respawns like every 90 seconds in social.
okay, well it might not be a 90 second respawn, but i know last resort, construct, and the original snowbound have the laser respawn more than once in the game. Maybe a 180 second respawn. This is in slayer.
I just told you that the Laser doesnt respawn on Last Resort. I believe that most of them have a 150 second respawn. Don't forget High Ground, the Laser is very useful on that map.
Sorry about that. I was probably thinking about another map. And your right about the laser being useful on high ground. But now a days, i really don't use it that much. i mainly go to the sniper or the ghost. Now I know i probably an idiot for using the ghost but believe it or not, i get a ton of spatters.
Bubble sheild, great for when your in the middle of nowhere and you hear a sniper bullet wiz by you and you drop it your safe, and you got a angry sniper. Energy drain is my second though because it makes everyone a easy kill, makes a area a dead zone, and can drop vehicles dead for a few seconds to jack or stick.
I am pretty sure it respawns, because i have played games where i have used it and then it is used by the other team when they obliterate my guests. Definitely the bubble shield it is a savior in combat and it is also useful as a trap in CQB.
Nope is doesn't. I was forging on default Last Resort with Chips and Jay the other day and I noticed that both the Radar Jammer and the Laser did not respawn. It may not be this way in the Matchmaking version but it is like that on the Default layout.
Here guys, I am going to look if it respawns just to settle this up. Here i got the weapons list and respawn times Last Resort Sniper rifle- 120 Battle rifle- 10 Radar jammer- 60 Invisibility- 60 Shotgun- 120 Plasma pistol- 30 Spiker- 30 Power Drainer- 60 Bubble shield- 60 Needler- 60 Spartan Laser- 120
I'm tied between the Camo Equipment (Only found in Campaign) & the Auto Turret (Also only found in campaign). Seriously, what's not to like about being able to go see-through WHEN YOU WANT, or a mini-sentinel to place where YOU WANT?