Well I was messing around and I got this neat effect. Click for Bungie forum listing/full size. This is another shot with the same type of effect, no forum listing though, I'm too lazy. (Click for full size.)
Oooo. That is cool. Almost like it was shopped. Is it several bubble shields then? Obviously you can see the hexagons and his hand looks like he is throwing one.
Yeah, about 10 of them. :x And a custom powerup. You can see the metal part of it on the right side. I cut that out on the screen, but for whatever reason, when it saved it included it. There's also a weapon holder there; but it's not very noticeable. The bottom one was just the bubble shields, but I think there was less of them.
I like it, you pulled off the whole bubble shield effect. The lighting is overall very nice and delicious. The colors are nice and pleasant. 7/10