Reveiew: author: Bl00D F1R3 Reviewed by: DRiSCOLL Enjoyment: 8/10 The overall flow is pretty good and creates an atsmophere, its great fun and ive found it usefull for big party games, its big and includes allot of cover which is placed nicely may I add, its fast gameplay is very satisfactory and makes it what it is. Balance: 8/10 sadly i havn't played it long enough to know all the weapon placement but when we were playing their didnt seem to be any advantage, high ground and low ground is pretty even. its big and most game types work very well, the fusion coils come in handy and saved my life a thew times. Durability: 9.5/10 The spawn placement is very good and i don't think its possible to "spawn camp",and loseing grenades is impossible thanks to the amazing barrier blocking off the map, even that seems neat and ive got cought staring at it a cuple of times, so i can say proudly that this is a solid map,. Aesthetics: 9/10 The map itself looks very nice the walls and cover are all well interlocked and the fence.I applaud blood fir3 for yousing teleporters because it looks nicely placed, the whole map looks detailed, i love how you placed barrels and barriers in the geomerged fence box because like i said earlier it adds detail. Originality: 8/10 most map consist of two bases and a center structure but i like how its mixed up, everything seems new and easy on the eyes, all types of combat consist thanks to the layout, you don't feel as if you were in foundry because of the big and small detail that just spells out creativity Overall score (Average of the above): 9.5/10 Overall this was a very enjoyable map and decently balanced, it looks very neat and includes allot of features, Theres not really anything that i would change, the layout works well and its made well. Allot of people love it and i can see why, it deserves the feature
blood fire you rock. this map is awesome and so unique. i have seen forge enlightenment. your maps are so aesthetically pleasing yet they play so well. i don't know how you come out with so many original maps if i were you i would have run out of ideas
Yes, it is quite a nice map, but not necessary to necro-post on necroposting is when you post on a thread that hasnt had a post in the past week...if you do, you will get infracted, which is probably what will happen to you today