farcry 2 for sure fable 2 will be pretty sick but i'd rent that, and buy fc2 for the multiplayer and amazing map editor.
Far Cry 2 for the amazing map editor. I haven't played Fable though, but Far Cry's going to be awesome!
Buy a house, near the beach. So that you get the sunrise every morning. Get Fallout 3, that starts with an f too.
I highly recommend Mass Effect. Its replay value is amazing. It is a cross between an RPG and a Third Person Shooter; the story is breath taking. If you are not too sure rent it first. I did and I fell in love with this game that I bought it instantly after renting it. I am also living proof of its great replay value because I have had 8 playthroughs as of today.
Far Cry 2. Fable 2 will be pretty limited, only getting to play with one other person at a time, and most of the time playing by yourself. Far Cry 2 will play with 16 people at once, have a map editor, and a ton of people on FH are getting it.
FarCry 2? I have a feeling it won't live up to it's hype. The last game was only played to make time pass by. If this one uses the method, it most likely won't. While Fable 2 may only allow two people on the same server at once, the campaign never ends. The character keeps growing, and the story-line gets more interesting. And if you ever want to play multiplayer, that's what the award winning games are for. I seriously doubt FarCry 2 will receive one. By the looks of it, Fable 2 will be more successful than FarCry 2. Both may be worth your buy, but Fable 2 would win the outcome. Besides, by the time you finally finish Fable 2 (without skipping any levels, and doing side-missions) you'll probably have earned enough money to buy FarCry 2, or it'll be Christmas time.
watvh the videos here on far cry creations and then tell me you don't want it lts what I would get but I'm not really into rpgs' apart from final fantasy and the last few of them were pants
ok, i would say Fable 2 out of the 2 choices, but out of em all id say wait, save until halowars. get halowars and then youll have enough money (plus possible x-mas money) to buy like 2-4 other games(plus games you may get for x-mas) or haunakah or kwanzaa or what ever you celebrate, idk?
My opinion so far: Far-cry 2 is leading, since architecture intruiges me, and I would play it's map editor till something better than it. Fable 2 would keep me for a looooong time... Fallout just isn't my style of rpg Megaman lost me at commercials, im done with anime based stuffs Mass Effect i dont know much about, but seeing as somebody mentioned its a third person shooter, i dun liek those. now that i think about this, i just wish Elder Scrolls V was soon, but as for now its probable but not for sure.