Hi, I'm HeathBar117, formerly known on XBL as B1ll1amH. Shortly after I acquired LIVE, I showed a particular interest in Forge, due to the resources available in Foundry. Normally in MM, I'm found in SWAT or Team Slayer. As of now, I am a Major Grade 2. In reality, when I'm not killing zombies or saving the entire universe as a super-soldier, I'm a regular 6th grader. Sports never really interested me, so I currently play Alto Saxophone, and have been called the best at it by the others. I hope to learn Keyboard (musical, not this kind) throughout 2009. Sorry if it seems like I went went off-topic a bit, just trying to make sure people know who I am. Love me for using proper grammar as well?
Needs moaer interlocking, 2/5 fur gud grammur But cereally, welcome to FH. Watch out for the traps of doo-- uh, I mean, er...nothing.
Welcome new person thing...err... but anyways make sure you read the rules before you post! enjoy the wonders of our happy princess land...err you did not here that.
Welcome To ForgeHub! Have fun and Happy Forging! i just have one tip for you, try to expand with every post you do, because if its just like 'nice map 5/5' then you can get an infraction, which is bad, mmk? lol
hello and welcome to bungie, wait no that was wrong ah ****! This is FH duh!! Oks just folow da rules and u should be fine, but I canat typear right fo some reason gosh! BTW:avatar rocks!
you need to wrok on yuor gamremr so tat u fitzy in to us hree at frouehgb and hai don't mess wit me im a typin zock monkey! and when postin a map dont forget picture you WILL get flamed for like my first post ever was and if you need help postin a pic and the "link" dont help you then ask me or post in costomer service??! (we are customers?!?!?!?) no cerially work on ur gramer