I don't really like territories but this map and gametype makes me want to play territories. Thanks for the awesome map and gametype!
What a thought out response. Anyways, This looks really fun. It looks like a real rock-climbing course. Great job interlocking, and great idea with the territory idea.
Little hypocritical, ain't it? lol Anyway, I've played this map and its a great map to just waste some time on. I'm so terrible that I can barely make it halfway up. It's very well build and I like how the footholds look in the wall. Maybe next time you might consider doing a more complex base area. You know, make it feel like a camp or something... just to give it an even more asthetic feel. Also, not that it really matters, but I can escape this map. Personally, I dont see the reason to escape, but you know you'll have someone jumping out and ruining the fun... Overall, I really like the wall, I give it a 10/10. The bottom could use some sprucing up, I give that a 6/10 Totally Overall 8/10, Its a nice map to spend some time on and just have some good old minigame fun. Love, Zachary9990
I played this map a while ago with a party of like 8 lol. I can't even begin to think of how you came up with the concept for this map but it's great. While it is frustrating when you are a terrible jumper like me, it is incredibly addicting; I could not seem to stop trying to get up. I didn't make it up too far but I got up high enough that I felt special inside. Great job dude.
This by far out of all my maps has changed the most from when I first made build 1.0. I love the fact that you can get out, and if you get half way you can go pick up any weapons you want to mess with the guys who can't get up.
woo its a great map 5/5 the gameplay is awsome rlly hard at first but it gets ez i am a clip of me doing it in under 15 secs lol
I played on this a few days ago and thought the idea was brilliant! I wanted to post on the map to say that i liked it alot and that it is an awesome idea.The concept is just so creative.
I hope you know you have brought dozens of people on my friends list to tears after trying this level. It's that awesome. No but really, it's one of the best puzzle games ever, and it's the single puzzle game that my party will stay for instead of just quitting the moment they hear the word "puzzle". It's amazingly creative and I downloaded it months ago before I joined FH. Thanks for the horrible memories
the map looks real cool and well thought out. And its very neat and complex great idea...this looks really fun to play on. Nice Job!!