Sux we didn't get our game in... I was thinking someones in the wolf - queens of the stone age. Thoughts sweeny?
Sorry I didn't help... my internet went out last night for a whole hour. When I got back on you guys weren't on anymore. =\ Oh, and for a song, I've got one for you-- let me find it on youtube real fast though.
If u still need a song try: "the sound of truth" by As I Lay Dying or: "aiden" by I Set My Friends On Fire
Don listen to these fools, I like pie by Jimmy Dean is an amazing song that fits every type of thing, majig, mablobber, and anything else you can think of, nao just 50 payments of $19.99 BUY NAO
alright completely off topic guys. please make a off topic thread for suggestions.(any further post on this will be reported for spam
They were merely suggesting songs for chrst's harmonexus video, jesus christ sharp, don't be a goody two shoes!
im not but i detest spam and this is off topic. so dont bump a map for an off topic comment...just...please...dont discuss it here
I'm not completely sure how discussion the video for my map is spam sharp? I've updated the first post asking for any suggestions for a song. The video completely relates to the map itself. I agree people posting "nice map" when they haven't looked at it is spam, but I'm asking for people who have played my map to suggest a song which meets the feel of the map. Any suggestions sharp?
ok if it has a map comment then it's fine but if it is just about the video it does belong in the video section not the map section
Yes sharp, but why would I ask people from the video section to pick a song for a map they never played lol? It's kinda like picking paint colors for a house you've never seen. Anyway, we'll stop commenting on the video subject than..
Your map presentation in this thread is superb. Nice nice makes me happi (Yea I KNOW). I've played many enclosed maps and none come even close to Harmonexus. It is really hard for me to say this, but I don't see anything wrong with your map. I got a group of my friends to play a few matches in Harmonexus and I won them all, because half the time they were saying " WHAT!" "OMG" " You know who made this?" "Are these torches!!!!" "Stop getting the rockets, I want to look around" Overall visually pleasing, fun, and competitive. I like it, I may not love it, but its a damn good map.
Thanks transaction for playing my map before replying. This guys is what you should be doing. Thanks for the honest comments TZ, I'm adding you to the review section. Edit: Download links are fixed for anyone having problems.
I dont know why. But this reminds me of unreal tournament. Eh. i think it must be your gravlifts with weapon holders. They remind me of torches. haha. Nice job. I love maps with new gameplay/aesthetic/construction ideas. awesome awesome
Really? There isn't all the much to the lower parts lol. I personally like the spawn bases. Thank you. I've never been fortunate enough to play UT, but I played UC2 and I guess a few of the levels do kind of have a temple-ish slightly futuristic feel. Thank you for actually playing before you commented
Wow, that is about the only word that describes this. I have played this a few times, and I love it! The layout, the weapons, all perfect! It is medium sized, which is a good thing, and fits perfect for team games. It's funny, I didn't even know that the round large room existed until about half way into the match. XDD This map is amazing, congratulations chrst!
Thanks pigeon, I'm adding you to the review/testimonial section. From now on, anyone who actually plays and gives feedback of some kind will receive rep. I may not have a huge rep count, but you will at least know I appreciate your "actual" comment. (Post must be good enough for me to add to the main post, some exceptions may apply, see in store associate for details) As well, I'll get around to repping the people I already added lol.. Edit: I realize that may have sounded like I was saying I'd rep for replies lol, but what I really meant is I'd show appreciation for real reviews/replies rather than nice map/cool
I'm terribly sorry that I was incapable of finishing the video for this map. Now I wish to address certain concerns that I have read numerous times, and had heard from people who simply walk through the map with me. That being, needz moar cover! For those of you who have actually played this map, or at least understand how Halo is meant to play, you should realize that the request is idiotic. The first location I wish to delve upon is the main (rocket) room. Why people request more cover astounds me. First off, the room is small enough, it does not need to be crowded with more objects. Secondly, the only cover that would do any good at all would have to extend from floor to ceiling, and that is just ridiculous. There is plenty of vertical cover. If someone is on the bottom floor, they just retreat into the hall, or cower under one of the bridges above, underneath their assailant. For those getting attacked from below, they just have to back away from the edge of the catwalk they stand upon. The second, is the two bottom hallways by the overshield. They are small enough, hardly able to fit 2 people, adding "cover" in their is pointless. The long halls provide good BR fights, and one can jump through the overshield spawn for "cover". No what people need to realize is, adding anymore cover anywhere would turn this map into a AR/Mauler whoring death zone. So please, with that said, for those who are yet to comment, I urge you to consider what you say.
wow this map looks like it took you a lot fo time, and seems really fun to play on. It also looks like it has its close quarter combat and more open battles, seems different.
Thanks sweeny, and it's okay about the vid. Maybe I'll buy a cap card. But yeah guys, I didn't really address the "needz moar CuvR" issue some people had from looking at pictures. As sweeny said, when you play it, you realize the map has very well built in map geometry cover, and pointless baracades and crates just clutter things up. Thank you, and yeah thats what i was going for.