"Dear Sarge, Kicking Arse ON EARTH; wish you were here....." It's pretty good, but I think it would be better if the Dreadnaught was more in the center....
wow, that just made my outlook on halo 3 campaigns boundarie detail so much better, reasons like this..loads of detail in places you can't go on halo 3 is one thing that makes halo 3 a unique game over everything else.. amazing screenshot bro 10/10
capybara trust me it looks bettter this way if it was centered then the scaraps dead carcus would be in the way,(and you wanna write captions for pics there alot better than mine lol) yes the campaign levels have a ton of small details and great scnery outside the boundaries but my favorite place is in the stairway to heaven part of sierra 117 i just havent taen a picture of it yet. surprisingly this isn't my favorite but alot of peaple like this one i guess
very nice, me gusta mucho. Very serene and well color-oriented. It almost looks like a sunset here on earth. 8/10