He obviously wasnt good at Zoo Tycoon. Aussie boy breaks into zoo, feeds animals to croc - Yahoo! News
Wow, I don't think it was the boys idea. There's more to this story, and they don't know it themselves. Anyways, I'm surprised the boy did it. Was he related to Steve Irwin?
The boy seems like he likes to have power over things smaller than he is. He could wind up being the next Jason.
dear God. Well, something went wrong some wheres. Edit: and i mean with the boy. if this security didn't fail, then maybe he would have done something worse elsewhere.
I used to shoot the ants in my backyard with my squirt gun. Then i'd pick up the survivors with sticks, and drop them into little plastic cups filled with weird concoctions I made. MUHAHAHAHAHA. It's kind of strange how you like to toy with death at such an early age.
Heh, I remember when I used to give snails "operations" but never harmed any animals. What that kid did was just sick.
oh man. i think we have a serial killer in the making. Srsly, can't we just throw him in jail? for a little bit? He's got to know that killing things isn't a game or he'll just start kill people at an older age or something. This is just eerie, honestly.
That's a little f***ked up. I remember burning ants but there in large quantities. Those were animals that people loved. I mean 20 years old and then just eaten because some kid is a prick. I blame who ever raised him.