Halo: Classic Edition

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Maps' started by phlsphr, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. phlsphr

    phlsphr Ancient
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    Halo: Classic Edition, Now with linked gameplay videos

    Edit 2: Now linking gameplay videos.

    H:CE Foundry FFA

    H:CE The Pit FFA

    Edit: I've now created a gamertag, HCE Customs, that can be used to find other HCE players. Simply send a friend request to HCE Customs. After it is accepted, you will be able to view other players who enjoy playing the HCE gametypes and maps.

    I've created gametypes and forged maps to recreate the fun of Halo CE. Here are the changes I've made:

    -Used custom powerups as health packs. Shields do not automatically regenerate and players must pick up a health pack (or overshield) in order to regenerate shields. Health packs respawn 30 seconds after being picked up.

    -Battle Rifle will kill with three headshots or five body shots.

    -All power weapons (shotgun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher) are on "drop spawn", meaning that they will respawn at the same times every game (unless someone picks one up as it is dropping). Battle Rifles respawn ten seconds after being picked up. Needlers, plasma pistols and plasma rifles respawn 90 seconds after being picked up. I haven't put ammo on the maps for Assault Rifles in the hopes that this will encourage players to use other weapons. There should still be plenty of Assault Rifle ammo on the maps, however, through dropped ammo from dead opponents.

    -Battle Rifle starts with Assault Rifle secondary.

    -All vehicles are indestructable. Keep in mind, this does not mean that players can simply ride around and spawn kill opponents the entire game. The boost in the Battle Rifle's damage and the lack of shields automatically regenerating means that players who do nothing but ride in vehicles will die about as quickly as they did in Halo CE. Vehicles are set to respawn after 30 seconds of inactivity.

    -Player invulnerability for three seconds after respawn in order to keep spawn-trapping and spawn-killing to a minimum.

    -The amplified damage system also makes it so that killing with the plasma pistol and plasma rifle is possible again, as it was in Halo CE. Altogether, all weapons seem to work remarkably similar to Halo CE with this damage system.

    Using this system, "flow" type gameplay is naturally encouraged and "set-up" type gameplay becomes counter-productive.

    Please keep in mind that there is currently a bug with the health packs (custom powerups). If you are damaged and you pick up a health pack within three seconds of being damaged, the health pack will do nothing. Hopefully Bungie will fix this with the AU2. Please download the gametypes and maps from my fileshare, test, and respond with suggestions and comments. I hope to make this an on-going project. So far I have had good responses from all testers and I hope that you enjoy it as well.

    Team Slayer
    Team Ball
    Team King

    Cold Storage
    Ghost Town
    High Ground
    Last Resort
    Rat's Nest
    The Pit

    A big thanks goes out to everybody who helped me test this and to Bungie for providing the game that has kept me so occupied.
    #1 phlsphr, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  2. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    First of all, hello and welcome to ForgeHub!

    To save you the trouble of dealing with harpies, let me tell you that you've gotta have pictures of your map(s) in your thread (PM me once you've got them so I can remove this bad stigma-thing from here and let you have your maps in peace). You should also probably take a look at this while you're at it.

    In any case, it sounds like you've got a promising gametype set up. My one critique of it would be to get rid of spawn invulnerability. While spawn camping can be an issue, if you've got enough spawn points, you generally don't have to worry about it. Experienced players can also rain hell upon their opponents with those three seconds of invulnerability, regardless of where they're spawned.

    As for the maps, are they simply the default maps with weapons modified, or did you modify other parts of them?

    EDIT: Oh, and I'm not sure, but you may want to consider asking a moderator to move this to the minigames forum, because I think it might just do better there. ^_^
  3. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub. Here at FH, people will flame the crap outta you if your pictures don't work, or aren't embedded, or simply aren't there.
    Use this thread to help you get the pictures up.
    I know that this is more than one map, but take a pic of all of them and put one of each up here.

    This could go in many different spots, I recommend casual for a nice middle ground, its not a minigame, but its not really competitive due to its non default settings.

    I'd love to know what you did with some maps, particularly avalanche: did you use sheild doors to stop vehicles going through the middle of the caves? (thats what I did for one of my H:CE maps a while back).
  4. highSPLATTERY1

    highSPLATTERY1 Ancient
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    please read the rules before posting can a moderator please lock this as the person did not even try to put pictures
  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Anyone who posts about pictures after this will be reported for spam. Don't do it.

    And for future reference, posts that aren't up to standards don't get locked for 24 hours.
  6. highSPLATTERY1

    highSPLATTERY1 Ancient
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    not true i know someone who posted a map and it was not up to standards so someone asked a mod and they locked it :D
  7. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    To be deleted once opening post is fixed, or at the request of OP.

    Splattery, you're wrong, and you shouldn't be posting here after you were warned not to.

  8. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Thisis fine the way it is. He didn't change any of the aesthetics on the maps, just the weapons and the way stuff works. No need for pictures. And I really do like this idea of making a gamertag where peopl who likw Halo ce can find each other and play. I haven't tested it yet to se how it works, but really good concept.
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    yomtvrapsyou are wrong that is what the rules say so they have to be followed okay
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I am so confused by what you are talking about. please explain and post pics.
  11. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    Will everyone quit saying that this guy needs to post pics!!! It takes one person to inform him that he has to fix his post. After that you just begin spamming with uneccesary replies, and the thread gets off topic. Seeing as to has this has already happened, I would like to bring us back to the original concept of this thread.

    I think that this is a great idea. I love Halo CE and everything about it. I think that the custom powerup idea is genius. I would love to help you make maps or just play on the ones you have already designed. This is definitely something that other Halo CE veterans will come to appreciate. My gamertag is Xx BEHEM0TH xX (with a zero for the 0). Hit me up some time so that we can play this together.
  12. phlsphr

    phlsphr Ancient
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    I haven't touched anything for the most part as far as aesthetics go. The maps are essentially the exact same as the default maps aside from the removal of equipment and such. I will add pics asap, though. The reason I posted it here is because I found it to be a highly competitive way to play Halo 3.
  13. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Please try reading his post before you critize it. He did absolutely nothing to the maps to change their asthetics. He just changed the ammo, and the effects of damage and stuff like that. If you've neer played those maps before, or know what they look like, then you really don't belong on this site. You would just be loooking at the pictures of the maps, which would just make the post long and redundant.
  14. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Even if he didn't change the maps aside from weapon placements etc, he should still take pictures of them and post them here. Having no pics is against the rules, because threads turn into flame fests.

    Good-o. I have a few ideas for ways to make some maps (okay, avalanche is all really) more like the original maps. Once I'm done creating it the way I want it, Ill post here and let you see what you think about having it instead of the a version you have now.

    Fair enough, its ultimately up to you anyway, we were just suggesting is all. =P
  15. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    Alright so I played on a couple of the maps and found them to have the Halo Combat Evolved feel to them. I have two issues however.

    The first is with the starting weapons as BR and Assault Rifle. I feel that this gives the player too much of an advantage on small maps, which is the majority of the original HCE maps. Plus there were no such things as BR's in Halo 1.

    My second thought was that you named everything Halo Classic Edition (H:CE) when the actual name is Halo Combat Evolved. That was just a small personal issue, but I am curious as to why you named it otherwise.

    I would like to suggest that some of us get together to recreate Halo CE maps designed soley with HCE gameplay in mind. I think that this would be a great way to expand on the ideas that you have come up with.
  16. phlsphr

    phlsphr Ancient
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    I appreciate the feedback, BEHEM0TH. The reason I included the BR into the gametypes is because there was no way to change the damage so that there was a 3-shot kill (headshots) with the pistol without making other weapons insanely overpowered. There was also the problem of duel-wielding. The BR was the closest that I could get. As far as the assault rifle goes, a good player who can accurately use a BR will win most fights against players with an AR with these settings (at midrange). In close range, players should be switching to the appropriate weapon. Even then, one BR shot and a melee will kill an enemy.

    As far as the name, I named it Classic Edition because I really can't recreate Halo Combat Evolved perfectly with Halo 3. I could only come so close and I didn't want to make people think that I was claiming to have made a perfect simulation.

    I believe that it would be awesome if anyone who wants to were to make their own forge maps that would play with the Halo CE playstyle. I'm excited about the new Sandbox map coming out and I'm looking forward to everybody remaking Halo CE maps with it. Until then, I would be happy to see anyone remake Halo CE maps with Foundry and set it up to play with the Classic Edition gametypes.
  17. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    That sounds good. Maybe we could get some people together and discuss forging Halo CE maps. I think it would be cool to try and recreate some of the maps that are from the Halo CE for the PC as well.
  18. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I'm working on a Sidewinder. Its avalanche, with shield doors to stop vehicles getting through the center hallway, so they have to go around, like they did in H:CE.
    It has some other stuff, but I'm keeping it on the lowdown for now.
  19. AIFEI

    AIFEI Ancient

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    I found that connector you were looking for

    I found that connector you were looking for
    Cindy, is this the thing you were looking for?
    It's on the list of computer accessories and parts. They have the DVI video thing to convert that jap monitor to work with your other computer. Just about any other kind of wire adaptor, usb connectors, monitor extension wires, ps2 extention wires, and all kinds of female and male swap connectors and things that I think would help your shop. If that above link don't work then goto www.lducompany.com and click on computer accessories. Let me know if that is what you need and give me your email address again.
  20. phlsphr

    phlsphr Ancient
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    Is there any chance that I could get a few people to run a few customs of this sometime so that I can upload a GameVee video of the gameplay? I'd really appreciate it.

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