I have never laughed at stupidity so hard in my entire life. Chargers? Superbowl? lolwut? Cowboys vs Bills.
That sucks but in another league I'm playing in, my starting running back and all three receivers are on bye. I'm starting Lee Evans, Chansi Stuckley(?), and Hank Baskett. That is a bad group of receivers right there. Anyway, I want you to lose Insane, that would help me keep my 1st place position.
Ok, Cowboys I can give you.. But seriously... The Bills?! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL! Come on man.. Why.. Just because they are 4-0 right now? Who have they played so far.. Let's see.. Seattle, Jacksonville, Oakland, and St. Louis.. Next week they play the hapless Cardnials.. Seriously.. They'll be Super Bowl contenders when they actually play a contender.
Chargers-Cowboys IMO. Winner could be either, depending on how playesr from both teams are doing, but most importantly, LT. Anyway, looks like a crushing defeat for my team D: Without 2 receivers, and then Chambers got like 40 yards, McNabb wasn't spectacular, one of my RBs and the RB/WR both got 0 points, the average musta been like 4 points for a player. my whole team was completely shut down. Super sad faic.
My newspaper predicted the Redskins #2 for the super bowl. Even I think that's crazy. A first year head coach? Maybe next year...
My bolts start slow lately it seems and pick it up later in the season, and so does LT, but LTs health is not a factor anyway, The team can do it with out him. Rivers and the guys have grown enough to contend with out him and they have shown it, If he does get back to normal then even better... Its early for sure but your crazy to think SD is not a contender, NFC is looking pretty good this year, my first thoughts would be the cowboys or giants again.
I can't believe the Eagles lost. To the bears, I mean seriously. How can you lose to kyle Orton? I know Westbrook would have won them the game and Andrews would have helped on the goal line, but you can't have your team depend on 1 or 2 guys. They really blew a game they should have won. In fantasy, I'm 4-0 and I'm glad to see you lost Insane. That secured at least another week of 1st place. Torn ACL is going down this week. My undefeated season will continue.
Eagles had a relatively hard schedule to start ('Boys, Steelers, Bears), so I don't have any doubts that they'll get into the playoffs (probably as a wild card, but still...). Giants haven't played anyone yet, so you can't really pass judgment on them. Cowboys lost a trap game to the Skins, but they'll be fine. Bills are overrated, they haven't played anyone decent (apparently they play the whole NFC west before anyone in their division?). Chargers are better than their record, first two games were a combination of misfortune and bullshit, and they've rebounded since. Titans won't get far in the playoffs without a championship-caliber QB. Same with the Ravens. Same with the Bucs. 8-8 will win the NFC west, all the teams are just that bad. Jets play a whole bunch of bad teams following their bye, they should battle Buffalo and the Pats for control of the AFC east.
lol, and I'm on a 4 game winning streak. We'll see how it turns out, I would love to be 5-0 though. I would be bragging all over this shiznuts. JJ, I know the Eagles had a rough start but they definitely should have beat the bears. I also agree, buffalo is way overrated. They just have an easy schedule.
Finally someone that looks at more than just their record. Chargers should be 4-0. Panthers scored on a last second, desperation play to win, and the ref blew the call in the Denver game. San Diego should be 4-0 right now... and thats with an LT still only at 80%
DAMN THE EAGLES!!! Why do they have to suck so much? Seriously they blew the game. When you lead 14-0 in the first 7 minutes you should probably win but noooooooo. I give up on them. Not really but still. Anyway, paralyzed, it seems I have beaten you 113-48. I would call that a romping. 5-0 now. I am very pleased with the performance of my team. I might go as far as saying I am the best. We shall see.
It's all good.. You can gloat all you want, Cause I know and everyone else knows that when you lose, It will be that much sweeter for everyone else to make fun of you. My team sucks. lol
Whatever, but I will still retain first place, even if I lose next week. There will be no defeating me. The trophy is mine. I better get a trophy. I will just claim it now to save you all the trouble. BTW, I hate the redskins a lot and LOL SAN DIEGO LOST TO MIAMI LOL LIGHTS LOL