Octagon v1 Download Map and Gametypes Here! Hey everyone whatsup?! I have just completed my second map ever called Octagon! This map was made for MLG competitions and runs well with gametypes like Team Slayer, and CTF. Although this is just my prototype i am currently working on a more sophisticated version as you are reading this. So please bare with me! This is what the map looks like (Keep in mind both bases look alike so i'm just going to show you one side!): Left Side Right Side One Side Entrance On Each Side Of Base Front Of Base Bottom Base Middle B Tower A Tower Outskirts Of Top Mid Overlooking Top Middle Bottom Mid AKA Mauler Download Map and Gametypes Here!!! Weapons 6 Battle Rifles 2 Covenant Carbines 4 Grenades 4 Plasmas 1 Mauler Thanks for taking time to look over my map i hope for those of you who actually play it enjoy its a really fun easy going map, and like i said there will be another one soon i just wanted to give you guys a taste. Thanks again Bye! Video Coming SOON!!!
pleas do not double post that is against the rules. k so right off the bat i see you have moveable dumpsters and mlg maps arent supposed to have moveable stuff. and second, the middle octagon looks cool i really like that aesthetic. now i'm not a HUGE mlg map fan but i'll admit this is one of the better ones i've seen. one thing i would ad is a little little amount of scenery around the octagon to make it look a bit better but i havet actually tested this out with friends yet so maybe i'm wrong, but a good map nonetheless.
Thanks i guess for the next one i'm planning on putting in assault and calling it sanctuary or somethin im not sure on the name though
You call yourself a huge MLG map fan yet you give false truths about dumpsters. Yes, dumpsters are somewhat movable, but they are sill used in all of the Official MLG Foundry maps i.e. Onslaught & Amplified. Looks like a fairly well balanced map here. Your interlocking is clean and you have a somewhat original design going on. My only negatives for this map are that you have what appears to be wire spools on the map which are definately not MLG standards and two if this is MLG it should be in the MLG map forum. Overall 3.5/5
Thanks for the review, and yea the wire spools are there because at first i interlocked a bumpster in between the two tall crates but everytime i would jump on it to get to top mid the dumpster would flip out and come out of the interlocking so i locked up the wirespool in there with a teleporter just for now but im working on the second draft and i am for sure taking them out of there! also the onnly reason i didnt put it in mlg forums as well is because i didnt wanna get bitched at ofr double posting my map haha