Okay guys, this is the map that people LOVE the most out of all of the 26 maps I've made, so I've decided to post it here for you guys to try out. Be sure to tell me what you think! There's a base with boxes all around it, with a turret and several weapons in the base. Zombies spawn outside and need to break in or push the boxes to kill people at the enterance. And its really freakin fun. You need the gametype to play this awesome map, and you can download it here: Zenon Infection: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14038618 Map Download: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14038585 Pictures: Preparing.. [img width=800 height=450]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9757/8624819fullzf5.jpg[/img] Into The Base [img width=800 height=450]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/1381/8624778fullpn0.jpg[/img] Base Enterance [img width=800 height=450]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/1111/8624863fullpx9.jpg[/img] Base Exterior [img width=800 height=450]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/2023/8624787fullzu7.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=450]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/7702/22235319fullii0.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=450]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/8499/22235387fullyw5.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=450]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/5003/22235478fullzr7.jpg[/img] Created by: CapnCaveMan07, Oroboro, Zeina107. If you d/l please give some feedback, comments are appreciated
Re: Zenon *Infection map in a huge inpenaterable (almost) fortess on The Pit* more pictures of the outer base please really like to see all of the entrances and how well there blocked off.
Re: Zenon *Infection map in a huge inpenaterable (almost) fortess on The Pit* Ill try it, but no offense I hope the pictures don't do it justice. David is right you need better pictures, and a story line would get people more interested in checking it out! I'm guessing you don't have the new maps, or perhaps you’re just going old school!
no i have new maps,i made this ages ago with my friend. people say its my best map and since everyone can play it even without the new maps its nice and yeah im getting a few more pics of the exterior for you guys its ALL blocked off i promise its just nearly possible for zombies to get in but the pictures dont to justice you actually need to play with at least 10 people then it gets crazy fun
How have you been able to make 26 maps already? Either you make Really sloppy ones or you devote all your time awake to Forge. It takes atleast one week, atleast, to make a good / balanced map. And that's if you devote yourself fulltime to that map alone. I take all aspects of making a map into consideration, Forging / Testing / Polishing / Finalizing. Perfection takes time dude. But enough rambling, lets talk about your map. What's special about this map that makes it different and worth downloading?
...to be honest all i do is forge and play custom games lol,i actually play the game every once in awhile but im the forge wizard haha *insider* so yes i pretty much spend all of my halo 3 playing time (which is ALOT) creating maps on forge because i love it so. but yeah i have 27 actual complete maps now and about 50 incomplete ones. i have two accounts just for holding different forge maps and custom gametypes. and the map, well, to be completely honest theres not alot different about this map, people just love it. its an inclosed base with a few weapons and one enterance for zombies, along with two long hallways and a small place to camp in, its VERY scary and fast paced b/c you never know where the zombies will break in at, almost like quake 4 and its perfectly balanced and im proud to say no1 has won this game without cheating...although theyve gotten ridiculously close. i'll get pics today guys to hang tight. its a really sweet map i promise you
added brand new pics of the exterior for those interested in it they also have several layers you can't see in the screenies so its pretty much impossible for the zombies to break in through anything but the enterance
sounds familiar. but i dont think so. maybe i registered on there awhile ago and i just updated my signautre,idk,im big into photoshop so if its a photoshop tutorial site it is definately me
its just the same kind of game. Zombies try to break in and attack an incredibly fortified base. If they have shields i will be happy
yes,they have shields,its not crazy imba and its really fun because you never know where the zombies are going to come from