Hey guys, Im making a new map and ive gotten about halfway done and this is what i have so far. can you tell me what you think? Please tell me what you think so far.
That tunnel with the Sniper Rifle is sick! Although I don't think the Sniper should be floating... So far so good, can't wait to see the finished version. =)
Wow that looks great.I can see resemblance of so many featured maps in their and your own originality.I love every feature of this map.Especially the double interlocked double boxes,floating barriers ,and the little barrier. Keep working on this map ,I can't wait till its posted.
It looks like its coming pretty good. Good geo-merging and interlocking. I look forward to seeing this.
My favorite thing would have to be the sniper bunker lookin thing. Also i agree you should place it against the wall
map looks good, clean interlocking. I see a resemblance to some famous maps, which means they in spire you which is a good thing. I like the sniper tower, but like others said it looks a little out of place floating there. Possible fix that.
Like said before its forge discussion, many people have done this and had a lot of views/comments for example Irish highlands. Ok now onto what i think. Seriously dude its looking really nice and all i can say is keep it up and fill in some of those gaps. Don't overdue but don't do what allot of people do and leave it too open. There's a good amount of high and low place which is good because than you can't see someone across the map. The geomerging and intelocking is good but some boxes look like there slightly on a slant. There's a some cool features but i think you shouldn't have shown it. The main reason is a lot of a lot of people will copy and take credit. Good job again and take your time now because im really looking forward to seeing the finally version.