Mech V4 Made by Hells Gears and Jessica Weird Pic Description This use to we a factory producing lots of different stuff. Now, its worn down, and only produces war...2-6 players(Slayer). This also is problably the LAST version of Mech Inprovments : -Pistol Moved -Spawn Added -Supportes now Oddball and KOTH -Shield Door Added -Plasma Pistol Added Where Tripmine was, Tripmine Deleted : Download : Supported Games : Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH Now for pics...: Back Street w/ New Door Hallway Middle w/ Same Old'e Guns Carbine/SMG Hallway Small Pistol Ledge Rocket Spawn Action Shots : Bubble Shields Help a Lot! Watch out, New Camping Spot Also looks like a painting. =] Download at top! Enjoy, I helped! Testers : Killer1215 GeneralMiggy And Me Thanks!
you post v3 yesterday but this realy i cart tell any difence from v3 to v4 ohh my bad i should have read the improments
Looks really ossum. First off the interlocking looks really nice and smooth. Second, the map design looks really interesting amd fun/unique. Third, there are a few things that are crooked but I think we can overlook that. Fourth, that barrier interlocked with the shield door is a very new, very creative feature. Great map, keep forging.
i almost asked, 'what changed since yesterday?' i see it now. looks great too but im pretty sure you couldve done a bit more. the place has looked pretty bare from the get go, id suggest mabie a little more cover in the big spots
aw i liked the v3 when you added the trip mine but thats okay, the shield door was a good improve ment 4.75/5.00
this seems like one of those maps that appears small, but gives an expansive atmosphere when playing. I like (this is coming just from the pics) how I see some long lines of sight, combined with some cqc. Your geomerging and interlocking look quite smooth. I will que a dl and try it out. from the looks a 4/5. Nice Work.
Dude, this map is pretty beast. it's clean and thoroughly thought-out, however you gotta stop posting it. this has to be the fourth or fifth time i've seen it on the newest maps list.
FIrst of all I think you shouldn't have deleted the trip mine. I love trip mines. I also think you should have done a little more like another level. Overall good map.
Oh Em Gee. this is actually pretty cool. I like some of the geomerging and it has good interlx and stuff. 4/5
Looks pretty nice. I really like the hallways and ledges are very neatly forged and well planned out. Somethings really do look sloppy though. For example, the back street. I do not know why you had to add that shield door but it really stands out in a bad way. The barriers really don't look like they serve a purpose. It really makes it look very messy and not well planned out. I would maybe take out the shield door and the barriers and maybe add something aestheticly. Like maybe a geomerged box or wall or another sweet ledge. Now my favorite part would be the screenshot looking out at the carbine hallway. That was really a nice touch and I can see some great geomerging and interlocking. Now I know you could have a long argument about how geomerging and interlocking do not always make a perfect map. But in my opinion, now a days, i makes the map much more clean and less cluttered. So good job on your map and hope to see some more soon.
Hmm. This map looks a lot like clockworks. It looks like you guys got a lot of interspersion from it. Some of the side pieces and stuff. Anyways from what I can see the map looks a little custard. Maybe try making the "streets" a-little wider or possibly add tunnels or something to give it a bigger feel. Anyways, I hate to rate before playing it, so I'm going to download it and get back to you after I play on it and test it out.
the shield barrier thing is cool but u should make more big improvements before posting it up. a day is too soon for a map to be updated.
Prettty nice map.I saw the other versions of the map and thought they were pretty nice but this is a big improvement.Keep on forging.Im downloading