Hello people! Ok me and my friends were messing around on avalanche and when i died i go this, hope its funny to you guys to lol Pic, Linky will be posted soon. And you guys know i have to put a photobucketed one up so here it is.
pretty random....and that font is really hard to read in the 2nd one..and also why is the latter one blurred around the edges?
He used Photobucket to distort it. But you should have gotten a better view of the picture, perhaps over his shoulder directly?
man... you guys are no fun(no offense) you missed the whole point of this Screenshot!... Its a funny screenshot... ok look at all the kung fu pictures. tell em what you think then..
lol, this is really random, but its pretty funny for the first time you see it, i was like "...lol? wtf?" haha nice screenshot 9/10
its a good death-pose but it isn't super-amazing because all that can be seen in the background is a crate and very boring plain-white colors. Its very forgetable so 4/10
this is pretty sick haha but i would suggest throwing a comma in after the word kungfu(in the title) because it thought you were talking a about a kungfu box i was like wtf lol but yeah its funny! oh and the pb version's font is dayum hard to read lol