Sorry about that but I made an updated version. Instead of making a new post, I redid the pictures and changed the links. Then I did bump it a little to let people see the newer version.
Dude, I freaking love it! You managed to use the weapons in such a balanced way. Definitely the best infection map I've ever seen. I'll give it a 9/10 Just because you might need for interlocking.
Your multi stage approach to the infection variant is quite refreshing to see. I love the map, but have a few suggestions. 1) The map is spooky and neat on foundry, but could you imagine it on ghost town?! With all the amazing aesthetics, plus color filters, you could really flesh out the game. 2) You seem to be familiar with the advanced forging techniques, so I recommend merging the open teleporters into objects to make the map look seamless, and give humans less of a target to camp. 3) If your going for classic zombies, I suggest using the classic characteristics. Slow, but with stamina, and vulnerable to headshots. This makes single shot weapons more valuable, and lets you manipulate gameplay even more. I would absolutely love to help in any way. Send me a message if you want any help. -Jester LS
Wow, this is the best infection infection map i've ever seen. alot of people use infection to make minigames, but you did a fantastic job making a map that truly represents what infection is really about. 5/5 yo it says forum error when i click on the map link, so yeah i'm gonna send you a friend request then you can give it to me.
I don't know why its doing this but if you are having problems just access my file share
Thanks for the support and all the suggestions 1) I wish i could move this to Ghost Town because the scenery is perfect but foundry makes it a lot easier to make intricate bases and create the layout you want. 2) I am assuming that you mean the teleporters in the back tunnels. It would be easy to flip these over which would make the map look as you say "seamless". The other teleporters aren't clearly visible unless you have time to walk up to them and take a look around to find them 3) My zombie is a little faster than humans but jumps the same. It has lower shields which makes killing them pretty easy with a scope weapon as well as with SMGs. They are harder to beat in large groups or when they pick up the oversheld
This came up during TGIF 15 and everyone seemed to love it. I know I did. The beginning is kind of a bad situation for the zombie but if he can still pick off people if he's lucky. It gets better from there. Great job, man
this is a very inventive map id like to see maps like this on h3artificers but i cant cause the site is down rite
The Comments: I liked the map before (the one that you PMed me the download link for) but these slight tweaks you've done seem to play much better than before. The shield door in front of the machine gun turret was a necessity. I like the fact that you used two switches, but I especially like the one with the dumpster. The elevator isn't bad either. The Criticism: Nothing to say here really. You thought of everything: multiple methods of survival, aesthetics, balance... it goes on and on! The Score: 5/5
Holdout Requiem v3 This map has seen many tweaks and is essentially in version three. The name however is still the same because I can't fit v3 in. The links lead to updated versions I am not going to make a new post after every version but will simply notify that this it has been updated.
i have been very unimpressed with most zombie maps ive seen, as gameplay usually consists of either spawnkilling zombies with turrets or 10 minutes of everyone huddled in a room shotgunning zombies as they walk through the only entrance this map looks different, it forces humans to leave their strongholds and try different setups. im very impressed with how you use timed events to control the flow of zombies keep the humans on the move throughout the game, which is what zombies should be about. havent played yet, but will download
i dont like to exploit maps, but the zombies can be massacared just by standing behind where they fall out, assassinating them. if they get wise to your location, just switch corners every few kills. i got an invincible the first time we played, all but 1 infected quit. was very bad. might want to fix this
Looks good, I think I see me or someone with my old armor in one of those photos, anymays ... it is a great map. Oh, and for future reference, don't use white text in your post, because those that still use the old school skin can't see it.
This was a major problem in the original but I now have man canons that push zombies and humans away from the chute. If there is still a problem I can simply make it so the zombies are invincible for the first 5 seconds avter they reaspawn which will prevent this
Looks great but the white font is really bugging me, I have to highlight to read and I'm not sure i I'm missing anything. For future reference please avoid using text colors white and yellow. Besides that nice looking map and great job. 4/5
this game reminds me of the chambers a lot. and theirs a turret which is so cheap. that turret gets really anoying real quickly. the map itself is very nice and clearly deserves praise but the game did not work for me or my friends.
I'm not sure if you played the old version (without a shield door in front of the turret) or the new one which is more balanced. This game is supposed to be played with lareger group and with the gametype you start off with two zombies. This causes there to be few survivors by the last area which then balances the turret which already has a shield door. You can also pick up various over shields and an active cammo now to kill the humans so it should be esaier and fair.
wow... this is AWESOME. I played on it and would rate it 4/5 because: you must have a lot of people to be REALLY fun 2 zombie start= not great and last: PEOPLE (aka Little Kiddies) are too TERRIBLE at the game to learn to stay back and shoot; not run up and punch the zombie with a ^wasted^ sniper