Ok guys, new map time. Hooray ^.^!!! This map I decided to make a flag map based around a single ramp. So I started with the ramp and everything else formed around it. The best gametype for this is MultiFlag [number of caps to 5 or up, 3 is to fast]. So lets get to da pictures! K so here is base one pretty much a geomerged fencebox with some scenery Base 2 has less cover but is near better equipment Tripmine Box-yes, yes there is a tripmine Weapon Canister- has a br, carbine, needler, and sentinel beam Sword/Stair Hallway Camo Room Br Tower Snipe tower But don't camp.... So that's it, hope you guys enjoy it http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=26800582----fixed XD
looks alright ill will download and give you feedback what i can tell from pictures i think it will be fun Please fix your link it is not working
Wow, this map is sweet! The interlocking and geomerging look good too! I liked how you did the asthetics such as the wall making that mountain like thing. It looks really open for people on the top level though. some more cover would be helpful.This map looks really fun to play on though. You should make a v2 with more cover. Then it would be really sweet. 4/5
This is a pretty cool map, I like the weird structures you made with walls, for the really do stand out in the map. BTW wat is this V
i will give you credit for trying to make unique aesthetics, but some of them just dont look that good. otherwise, great map 3.5/5
this map is ok. i like the way that it is made so that it looks like some sort of a racetrack in a way, but also very competitive CTF. umm i really like the "weapon canister" however i do think you should possibly chage the wepons in them. id say keep the BR and Carbine, but switch the sentinal beam to like a spiker and switch the needler to plasma rifle. maybe put the sentinal beam and needler spread out somewhere on the map and use them as power weapons, or "sub-power weapons" as i like to call them. 3/5 for now, i really like the map so +rep too i guess!
okay, the map seems alright, In my opinion the name doesn't fit it very well. The map is called 'Circuit' but it doesn't have any use of the mongoose really, it doesn't make alot of sense in my eyes.. but overall nice map, clean interlocking, nice work 3/5
OK, It looks kind of empty but I'll see when i download it. But u have some great ideas i love it. The map looks very neat and well built the interlocking is nice and smooth too great job on that. Try to work on some Overview screen shot more people would download. But overall would give this a 3.7/5! Nice Job!!
the map looks very open, from the looks of the pics. I see the bridges in one image are slightly off from each other. On some of your boxes, I really dont like that you have to jump onto a door first, as opposed to a ramp or other walkway. I will pass on the dl, but from the pics so far i'd rate it about a 2/5.
this map is awsome i mean the interlocking and merging are very clean i like the weapon canister, and the idea that 1 base has better cover and 1 has more equipment
the weapon canister seems like it holds too many weapons. you probably already know this, but it also......just does not look good. sorry, just my opinion.
For CTF I think this map is to open. I would make a v2 and add more stuff in the middle. Trust me it will make it a lot better and more fun.
lol, the weapon canister is a real debate over here , ok heres the lowdown, i made the weapon canister because on one of my other maps i used it as just a scenery piece and not a useful structure but found that weapons could fit inside of it.
get rid of the canister, the weapon canister is an armory pretty much armories dont work, they only make a cheap advantage to the team with the canister. it makes it easier to get weapons, good weapons need to be put in a dangerous zone so that players need to fight over them.