Where could I possibly be? Maybe the place where people show up in cartoons when the world blows up. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Imaginationland part 3 after the nuke blewd up and just buttarz is left and then he imagines everyone back and is like 3picwinsauc3!
but you forgot the part with cartmen imagining himself and kyle nice pic but i think there are a ton of pics like this but i would like to know what that line by its foot is?
I must say day after day, i look foward to seeing new screenshots that you've created, They're always so niclely positioned, well planned and they always have a name that suits it perfectly. very nice photographing 9.5/10
I here you man, i love that "movie". You see a lot of these type whiteout pictures but this is pretty good for most. I like how you took it from the top.