For the clip from where I got this, look here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Or here (thanks to EatHalo): Click the Images for the BN links. Step 1: Prepare to enter vehicle. Step 2: Angle self toward vehicle. Step 3: Check seat for steering wheel. Step 4: Check seat for driver. Step 5: Enter the vehicle. Step 6: Haul ass!
You're supposed to enter and drive upside-down. Bonus points if you can actually do it 50 feet in the air. (The 6th pic has a tank in the bottom left corner. It tells you how high up real aliens drive.)
nice series man and how did you get to drive it upside down it never lets me do it but i was reading your sig email me at if you are stilling working on a switch for the guillotine i might have an idea for you
dude! how did you do this whole thing? This is crazy right here. How did you get all of those pictures upside down and side ways. Nice collection, 7/10
Look at the video clip. It was a game of Infection with some random guy on my recent players list, there was lag, and then I magically teleported to my warthog, which flew half-way across Sandtrap and landed on top of one of those "sniper towers."