well alot of people said i needed to improve my fist baseball map so i did with baseball v2 alpha and normal zombies 200% speed 4x oversheild Gravity hammer Humans are set to deflut but have pistol here are some pictures Human spawn Zombie spawn Baseball Home run Dead My Name is Combat P3nguin Live Name LOL Download Link:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=54482192 Gametype Link:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=54482219 Have a good day Im am making a new map but it wil take a long time it will be a ctf map so i hope it will go well
so what? you hit the objects and if your lucky the humans dont move and you hit them? and also whats to stop the zombies from killing the humans? edit, now i get it, the humans drive around and the zombies hit them, it seems fun for a basic idea but wht standoff?
I don't really get it. Do the humans get in mongooses and run around in it? DOes the zombie run fast? I havn't seen your v1 but this looks kinda fun.
So, then its impossible for the Humans to win a round? That isn't very good... Not very creative either... It could be fun for a while, but then it would get boring... Sorry, but this is a 1/5 =(
If it would be fun for a little bit it wouldn't be getting a 1/5, be more reasonable when you give a rating.
ok alot of talking is need once infected you help the alpha zombie you can kill them with you pistal but it might take awhile or hit them in the back because zombies dont have a radar
Well doing it on Sandtrap is virtually unreal considering how they could just drive around the edge and get away. Standoff is a little smaller but still has open space and an area to fall off.
well if the humans are dumb they drive off the edge and dont get a mongose back because they never respawn