A picture I made back in June. I used Chicken Dippah's map The Lab Hog to get the Rocket Hog. Tell me what you think LINK Also, check out my other screenshots in my FileShare(Which total 3.8k Downloads and counting) or my maps which total over 2.5k Downloads
That is ****ing epic! Is the hog able to drive? That would be cool that when you shoot, the missile also shoot with you.
this is actually pretty cool, though, as soon as I saw it, I knew it was a power drain. but i love the propane tank explosion, they look so much better than fusion coils.
Thanks, and first off; No its not. Secondly; Not a propane tank, I used two controllers. One held the missle at the Tank and the second shot a flamethrower/threw a power drain. The flame behind the missle; Look closely at the bottom you can notice some red legs faintly. And the power drain was to get rid of the dry colors of Rat's Nest, the little lightning bolt was just a plus side. Looks like the rocket has Anti-Tank missles If you want to see good use of Propane Tanks, however, click the first map in my Sig. There is a torch above it that you light and it stays in a constant loop, just like in the real Olympics
haha, if only they really existed, they'd be the biggest noob vehicle outbeating the ghost.. lol nice screenie though :]
i say this is a great photo but the only thing is the blue era the power drain makes but as with uncle borat i say this should be a real weapon but like with rockets only 2 or 4 shots.
it looks really good. I think you are amazing at staging pics from the others on your fileshare. Good job, 7/10
Looks good! I like that you took the misle off and made it look like it fired. Good job, though, I don't like that blue color and the lid is open. 4.5/5 for everything. =]
Thanks for the comments. Also, the hood is still open because like I said, there is only two people and I needed them both for the rest of pic