Since I personally think our banner is a little plain, I would like to see some peoples idea or sample banner that we could give to TDF to use. Just post your banner and the idea behind it and how you made it then we can vote and see what TDF thinks of it. The size for the banner should be 752 x 113 pixels or proportionately larger. :squirrel_chatting: Good luck!
I'll see what I can do! I'll uipdate this post when I have it done... EDIT: Ummm... Does anyone have a good render/ screenshot of the monitor? I would use my own screenshot, but I can't get to my XBOX until Easter.
Its 800 x 120... We've been tossing around banner ideas in staff chat. We'll see if it comes into play anytime soon.
You would need to change the text to "forge Hub", too... EDIT: Oh... I didn't read that part. Whoops! Oh well. Looks nice. I have a question: Does it have to fit with the current theme? I like this theme.