Could be a bit cleaner, but I see what you're going for in the title. It seems to provide alot of natural cover, which is neat. Is this made for 1v1? Because it seems perfect for it.
I actualy had a 4v4 on this and it worked well then I played some Koth SWAt and it played out nicely.
Very nice interlocking. I like how it is neat. Only one thing: Need more weapons!!!!!!! If it couldbe used for MLG, then people would need weps.
Looks VERY orginal nice work.. I really like the concept and design. It looks like it packs some awsome gameplay too. It is easy on the eyes and clean. Nice work
awesome 5/5 and a dl from me i really like it (aesthetics would be good like on the outside a truck and stuff)!!!
Thank You all for your feedback. The has been Now updated with better spawns and cover for btter gameplay. cool.
Awesome map and the updates really help the map gameply wise. I love how the middle looks like its sinking, this is a very creative map and it looks like it can host some pretty epic 3v3.
Looks like real Quicksand! The color of the floor and the sinking boxes! To bad the people don't sink... Downloaded! And yes this is me going through the maps in your signature cus they are awesome!
Itss ctally a pretty unique map, I love the concept. I doesnt look like a map that runs bumpy and ity as some cool aesthenics. I know people complained about it being hard to get out of, so possibly add like fence walls on their sides like this "/" ainst it and it makes it easier to jump out.
Really, really good map. Something different and it really appeals to me. Interlocking is epic! Good work, I cant help thinking that u'll get a few people camping in them single boxes. Excellent map 4.5/5
Veeerrryy interesting. Looks a little small, but I'll have to DL and check this out. I'll get back to you. EDIT: Link does not work. Please fix.
Oh, the bases look nice. I love the quicksand part. I like how you put the boxes in crooked instead of a boxy look. I also like the walls interlocked in the floor. It gives a nice aesthetic touch. Your interlocking looks really nice especially in the last pic.
Geez.. thanks for all the feedback guys.. i thought this map was history.. I will fix that link btw but i thought it worked.. w/e