
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Assassin of Joy, Sep 20, 2008.


How Much do You Like Collision?

Poll closed Nov 6, 2010.
  1. Epic!

  2. Sweet.

  3. I like it.

  4. Eh, try again.

  5. Fail!

  1. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Dude this should be featured its insanely awesome! I haven't even dl it yet it just looks awesome
  2. zoner117

    zoner117 Ancient
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    This is, by far, the best floating map I've ever seen! It looks great, it's symmetrical, The gameplay looks awesome, and it is smoothly interlocked!
    If this doesn't make featured, I'll be upset. 10/5 (5/5)! Keep Forging!
  3. Reflection

    Reflection Ancient
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    Zomg, epic. epic. So damn epic I want to throw Cheerios at people. 5/5. It looks amazing, the layout looks incredibly win. I have reccomended this to be featured.
  4. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Here's a little love bump for ya! As soon as you make a lot of those changes, I'll have to concede defeat in terms of Blackout superiority... because this map seriously destroys Interrobang. Whether it destroys my next Blackout map is still a matter of opinion, but more likely than not I'll never finish good ol' Rocketry 101. I tend not to finish things after I've star
  5. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    This is SMOTHERED in featuresauce.
    I assure you my friend, this WILL be featured.
    Congrats, I will download and check it out thoroughly, but for now, 5/5
  6. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    This map is amazing! I loved Interrobang but this map is twice as awesome (IMO) . The first picture makes me want to download right away! I'll download and try and get a game in so I can give you feedback.

    My only concern is can you get down to regular Black Out? You may have already addressed this and if so just ignore this last part.
  7. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    At first, I thought this map would be awesome, but after playing Objective games on it, it was terrible, especially 1 Bomb. The teams would spawn on opposite sides of the map. So if you make a V2, try to fix it please.

    Aesthetics: 10/10
    Gameplay: 3/10
  8. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    I have not played on the map yet. But I did give it a forge through, and it looks like epic win. If it plays well, you may have a feature here. I'll try and get some people to play it, as it looks fun.

    I'll be back if I play it with some people to give you some feedback. The map looks promising and I can't wait for the blue box canvas. Could you perhaps PM me when that is released? Thanks, and again, nice map.
  9. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I just want to say your answer is in the red and maroon of which Metroshell already stated.

    Back to OP. I really love maps that are made above blackout in this fashion. Most of them come in their own unique designs and layouts, and this one is definately unique for its design and layout as well. I like how you have made a stage for the shotgun itself, I can see epic battles for the shotgun in my future. You got my DL. If I remember, I will come back with more feedback.
  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Also I think this map would be really cool to play in the 2v2 tournament, because its on blacout and I dont think I would see a 2v2 map on blackout besides blackout.

    For the map its just amazing, there is plenty of cover, and everything, the only way really to improve is to interlock more which is impossible tehe

    Nice map
  11. JMacD263

    JMacD263 Ancient
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    2v2 is really good on this map
  12. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    So when will V2 be released? Looking foward to seeing the spawn placement fixed!

    EDIT: Ok, now I know it's slated for release on 9.25.08...wait.....that passed.l
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  13. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    EXCELLENT post. I'll wait for the v2 you're making.
  14. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    This map is the worst thing to ever happen to forging. Seriously, you guys have literally no creativity, forethought, or gameplay mentality.

    Public Servent poured his heart out into this map and when he released the canvas, he expected people to use the map creatively in order to continue his amazing efforts. Seriously! he fricking color coded the map blue and you guys put a random green box in the middle. you couldn't even take the time out of respect for this man.

    Public Servent is a real pro forger, one of the best i know and you guys took his map and took a long dump on it.

    People, do not take this map seriously. it is a poorly decorated version of a masterpiece. They took the Mona Lisa and drew a mustache on it.

    If you want the real version of this map. The vision that this map started out with, please wait until Public Servent releases his version. You won't be disappointed.
    Debo37 likes this.
  15. MLG_NaFy

    MLG_NaFy Ancient
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    Awesome use of not foundry. I bet that took A LOT of games to hold it in place, save, end, and start it up again.

  16. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    just one question, are you drunk or something?

    everybody knows that everything in this map is made perfect, and we wanted the middle box not blue so it was outstanding, notice that the bottom where the shotgun/sword spawns is also green, we both know public servent did the most amazing job and we were the ones who kept him in the post when he didn't even mind, so don't blame us, the map is perfect, only one missing death teleporter, respawn areas (which I mostly forget to make) and some slight changes to make the gameplay better are the only things to improve about Collision (but then only Collision) and we adore Public Servent and thats why we are making the v2, we're actually already working on it.

    Were excited to see what you forgers out their would do when standing in our shoes, have a try.
  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Is there anyway for this Public Servant fellow to confirm what you say is true persister? Because map stealing is a big deal here and if it's found out that the map was stolen, then it could end bad for you. Don't get me wrong, I like the map, and there are some thing's that should be improved, but that which should be posted, shall not be posted until it's clear that Public Servant allowed you guys to co-work with him and post this map.
  18. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    Public released this map as a canvas for anyone to use though so i have no real leverage over whether or not they can post this map or not. I am just saying that they could have spent more time expanding the map instead of just decorating it. sorry if i came off a bit harsh.
  19. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    wow, ths s one of the nly god maps i've ever seen on blackut for competitive, im blown away, this is truely amazing. im pretty much speechless, all i can say is nice work! there's evven interlocking! ohmygod! this is awesome, im DLing

  20. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    This map blows me away seriously. I've already queued this for tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll find some time to play it (I can't make any promises FIFA 09 is out) This looks awesome. The merging, the fact that u've taken a chance and not put it on Foundry wins me over. Best map I've seen all week on ForgeHub.
    P.S- Things like what you are going to play over Xmas doesn't really belong in the map post.

    Awesome map 5/5
    FlipStik likes this.

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