I'm stuck with forging-block at the moment. I cant even think of how im supposed to begin my next map. I have all these great ideas running through my head but when it comes time to build it I just cant seem to get myself started. What do great forgers do when they get forging-block?
I am not a GREAT forger but I draw. Draw out an outline of your map from above. Then figure out which map you want it on and start filling in details. Thats just me though.
I just watch a movie or play levels from other games remake them and put my own creative twist on them.
I have the same problem, usually I just keep the idea in my mind, and keep thinking of new ones until one of them gives me enough inspiration to build. I by no means am a great forger, I still need to publish a map, gosh! I better get back to my 10 maps I'm working on lol!
I solve the problem by just waiting until something hits me. If I try to start forging without a plan, it just ends up going nowhere. Just try to think of something new to do, originality is what makes maps interesting for me.
I get this a lot and I'll tell you when I have a solution. I know this is a little off topic but just because its not original doesn't mean its not fun just as long as its not a copy
Ah finally I got rid of it, I sat down and edged off an area of foundry and said "now make something in here" I think most of peoples problem is they think they have to use all of the area... at least it was for me.
ideas pop into my head best when im terribly board- grandma's a good example or a lectre at high school about buisness studies where no one gives a ****. either way, when u have the distraction of either friends wanting invites on x-live or getting distracted at how many fusion coils u could fit into a badger b4 it explodes you loose your trail of thought. so nxt time your at grandma's, bring a piece of paper and a pen cos ideas may start flying around your head
I usually plan my map out in my head before starting the map and if I come across a problem, I just run through all he possible scenarios if I change something in the orginal design.
That was out of line. Why would he get an infraction? Maybe you should get an infraction for making such a stupid comment. Anyway, I just think it is a good idea like roche said to play some Halo levels or any level on any game and you will get plenty of ideas. I'm actually about to release a series of maps that are heavily based and modeled off of small portions of campaign levels, a common techniqie for the multiplayer experience. I mean, look at Call of Duty 4, some levels are almost direct ports from campaign.
i just mess around with interlocking and random stuff til sumthin sticks out. i drove around on avalanche for an hour and sixteen minutes one time.
i think this deserves a lock i think. before anyone else decides they want more post count. will a moderater please lock this.
... And yet, the only thing I notice is, 'Hey, jjbrich made this!' lol btw, for the title, 'What do Great Forgers Do?' My response: Instead ask yourself: What would a free man do?