
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Aimless Ant, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    amazing just amazing best map i have seen in a while it needs a lil bit of fixing(the spawns are a bit off at some points,and the odd ball active camo placement) and it will be more than feature worthy i'v got to say the fence wall piece was something that i do but so much more effort was put in to each piece you WILL become one of the grates
  2. tpane

    tpane Ancient
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    Spent a few hours playin on this last night, wanted to give it a try before i posted. Sweet map. I though it played great, loved king of the hill. I dont understand where the other guys are saying not enough ammo, there are brs and assault rifles all over the place, not to mention tons of other weapons. The level is not to open, not to claustrophobic, very fun. I think it could get featured 4.7/5
    #22 tpane, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Very good job, the map really lives up to it's standards, and had more to it. The only thing I dislike about the map is some of the places only have a one-way

    Overall 4/5
  4. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    Very nice! I really like the geometry of the center base, looks great! I like how the passages between the raised areas are wider than most maps on here, some people make them so thin that you dont even have to aim to hit someone. But i dont think this map is too open, it feels just right to me. The level is perfectly symetrical, i dont see any flaws. Could be a little more cover in the back areas, but i think it kinda works like it is because as people run for the sniper they make themselves a little more vulnerable for a second. The rockets spawning opposite the sword is good, the shottys in the corner rooms are good too ( kinda reminds me of the pit - which is a good thing for sure) Great map!
  5. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Amazing map dude i love the center it's flawless, i have but one thing to say, nice job no complaints here.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    finally got around to givin this one the full process.

    let me start with that i LOVE your diagram. Where did you get the foundry template, and may i use it from now on? It looks SO much cleaner than my method.

    Next, the aesthetic value of the map is grand. You really took your time makin this look splendid. I dont have any complaints really except the shield doors above the centerpiece. Its such an epic center, and the shield doors look so... aweful... for lack of a better word. They seem like something from one of the first foundry maps. I just dont like the manner they are used. I only really enjoy them when used in the manner they are in Snowbound... only not alot of them... at all.

    The gameplay is fairly awesome, although weapons could be set up in a better manner in my personal unprofessional opinion. I just didnt think each power weapon was far away from each other. For example, shotgun and shotgun, sniper and sniper, and even the shotguns are real close to the rockets. Its not a horrible setup, just not perfected to my tastes i guess.

    Great use of the hallways by the way. I look forward to your other projects in the future as well.
  7. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    This map looks awesome. I love camo spawn. I lolled at the bomb on the fan (I like it).The aesthetics of this map are really cool.
  8. tpane

    tpane Ancient
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    I just noticed you moved the bomb plant points from when i tested with you. They were in the fence boxes which made the trek with the bomb a little longer i think, why did you move it?
  9. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    I moved the plant points for the bombs up near the spawn points because that is where people naturally wanted to take them, and the back areas were a little to easy to defend in objective games. Did you like it better the other way?
  10. tpane

    tpane Ancient
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    I see your point, i think i was a little confused at first when i played on the old way, This way makes more sense, but does make the map feel a little smaller.
  11. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    WOW! this is the best map I have seen in a minute. That center structure is awesome, great look with that fence wall design. Plus the little sniper hut, man these aesthetics are beautiful. The bomb spawn was an awesome idea too. This looks great for KOTH so that was a good idea. Only thing I dont like is the shield doors in the air but who cares! The shield doors on th platforms will makegood gameplay though so good job on this one dude. 11/10. I cant wait to play on it.
  12. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    Today probably wasn't the best day post your map as LIVE is down, but one of the best maps I've seen on ForgeHub in ages. 5/5 A definate download.
  13. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    really great map
    the floor pieces are really cool, the designs are awsome
    the geomerging/interlocking is nice and neat
    i really like the geomerging into the fans
    the side bases are cool to nice use of cannon+ wall = bounce onto top roof
    again the center peice w/ the sheild doors and the fence wall floor is just amazing
  14. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    i dl'ed and played this map already
    -The good: thank god the plasma cannons are terrible in slayer games
    -sword building is really really good
    -the flag towers work really well into slayer games because there's too much cover so u cant really get anything done
    -the flag towers work pretty well in ctf games, but usually the guy who's carrying the flag has a pretty predictable route (jump down to rockets, run straight, at the most stretching it to sword room)
    -all the power weapons actually work pretty good cause basically every1 gets an equal shot at a power weapon
    -great chances to team br

    The bad: 8 plasmas, 6 frags, rockets, brute shots, fusion coils, maybe a bit too heavy on the explosives
    -camo and os are pretty powerful too
    so i would think take out os or camo, 4 grenades, make the rockets 0 extra clips, and it would be a little better
    The in between: all i can really think of is the dumpster towers are kind of weird

    4.5/5, might stay in my dls for awhile
  15. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Wow this map is absolutely amazing. I actually think this size map could support 6v6 as you have used the whole map brilliantly. Spread out nicely but not so it is too open.

    My favourite thing that I have to mention is the floor design you made with the fence walls. After seeing a few maps trying to pull a design technique like this off, it rarely looks even half as good as you have made it.

    I normally don't like shield doors but you have made them work well for aesthetics. Overall it is probably your fine attention to the really tiny details are what makes this stand out..

    Well done
  16. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    This map is quickly becoming one of my Favs, got anything new in the works?
  17. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks great, only i think you should hae flipped the bridges so they looked better, but other than that its pretty much perfect
  18. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks really unique. I love how you used the shield doors. I think you should put a pic of the bases where the flags spawn, though.
  19. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    The pic that shows the bomb plant spots, that is where the flags spawn.
  20. Assassin of Joy

    Assassin of Joy Ancient
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    This map looks absolutely crazy, unique and innovative, can't wait to play it! :D

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