Alright, I'm working on this as much as possibly I will officially start filming once the list is complete. Thanks everyone for volunteering.
Xbox Live Gamertag: InferiorPigeon ForgeHub Username: InferiorPigeon Age:15 Do You have a mic?: mmhmm Requested Lines: Never gonna run around, and desert you
Sign Up Fourm Reply Below Xbox Live Gamertagaulie Walnuttz ForgeHub Usernameaulie Walnuttz Age: do You have a mic?: yes, 15 Requested Lines:Never gonna make you cry
Xbox Live Gamertag: CaMOfo ForgeHub Username: CaMOfo Age: 16 Do You have a mic?: Yessir. Requested Lines: If you could add the little "ooooo give you up ooooo"at the end of the song I would love to sing that...... (the whole thing maybeh?) If not the last two lines pl0x. =] "Never gonna say goodbye" "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
Xbox Live Gamertag: jelly533 ForgeHub Username: masterjelly7 Age: 14 Do You have a mic?: ya man Requested Lines: never gonna say goodbye
Xbox Live Gamertag: II SHEDO II ForgeHub Username: II SHEDO II Age: 14 Do You have a mic?: Of course good sir. Requested Lines: Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Xbox Live Gamertag: BROWNIEkillYOU ForgeHub Username: browniekillyou Age:14 Do You have a mic?: yes Requested Lines: Never gona jump to high
Sign meh up! Xbox Live Gamertag: dekulink333 ForgeHub Username: DekuLink333 Age: 14 (And a half! :O Haha) Do You have a mic?: Yup Requested Lines: Never gonna let you down (The last one) EDIT: Blam! I just realized that I bumped this after it being inactive. Sorry.
Meh, its a good thing i guess, I totally forgot about this. GET YOUR LAZY ARSE WORKING ON THIS BLOODFIRE!!! >:|
Xbox Live Gamertag: toochiehxc ForgeHub Username: toochiehxc Age: 18 Do You have a mic?: yup Requested Lines: whatevers dawg, im down for anything
Xbox Live Gamertag: xX5w33ny70ddXx ForgeHub Username: I don't want to type that again -_- xX5w33ny70ddXx Age: 15 Do You have a mic?: Yar Requested Lines: Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Xbox Live Gamertag: Xx PH0ENlX xX ForgeHub Username: huntaro002 Age: 15 Do You have a mic?: ye Requested Lines: never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, Never gonna run around and desert you May i have these pleaz? and this is a great idea, brilliant, just brilliant! (gamertag) X x P H 0(zero) E N l(lowercase L) X x X
GT:St4plgun FH:Icey wolf A:13 Mic:What kind of questionn is that of coarse i have a mic and Bl00d knows ! RL:"Never gonna make you cry"
Xbox Live Gamertag: Zstrike13 ForgeHub Username: Zstrike13 Age: 14 Do You have a mic?: yes Requested Lines: Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry (if possible) otherwise, at least "Never gonna run around and desert you"
Xbox Live Gamertag: Boyle06 ForgeHub Username: Boyle06 Age: 15 n a 7.9/10 lol Do You have a mic?: YES Requested Lines: never gonna make you cry