Hey guys and gals! So, I finished the game on Normal, and then spent a few hours beating the first few levels on Legendary. I log in today, and "Start Solo Game" puts me back at the VERY beginning of the game! When I turned it off I chose "Save and Quit" last night. What's the deal, am I doing something wrong? Do I have to start "Start Solo Game" from the beginning again on Legendary to unlock "Compaign Complete: Legendary," or can I just go to "Campaign" mode and start each individual level at the last check point and just set it to Legendary? Lastly, I have unlocked all the skulls and wondering how they affect beating game on Legendary?
You can go to campaign mode and load the missions individually. They make the game more difficult, depending on which ones and how many you turn on. But they don't do anything unless you turn them on. Press X at the campaign menu screen to turn them on.
1) Is there any way to check progression if I do each mission individually on Legendary to see which ones I have left? 2) Do I have to start from the beginning of each mission or can I just start from last checkpoint? (When you choose a level it gives me a few different places to begin)
Well, if you have campaign scoring on, you get achievements if you beat the level with so many points, so there's that. There's no other way to track progress than I can think of other than the achievement you earn for beating it on Legendary. I don't know about your second question. I've never had to quit from a checkpoint. At least I don't remember doing it.
So if I understand you correctly, I can just pick any campaign mission, start from the beginning or any checkpoint it willl let me, set difficulty to Legendary, and not turn off until you finished that particular level to unlock "Campaign Complete: Legendary" achievement? Do the levels need to be in order?
The levels don't need to be in order, but you have to play through the entire missions, not just start at "Rally point Alpha" for example. All the skulls do is change the gameplay when you turn them on, and increase your score when campaign scoring is on. You can get an achievement for each level if you get a high enough score on that level (15000 points on every level except for The Covenant and The Ark, where you have to get 50000 points). Glad to be of service.