Created By Shade995 Download Feet First Games Supported by Map: Team Slayer CTF King of The Hill SWAT (any 2 team game) Description -Story As a company of specialist soldiers are posted in the remote hidden warehouse with nothing to do. slowly the company splits in half as the teams battle for the supremacy of the reds or the blues... -Content The original idea of the map was to create a CTF map but that slowly formed in to a team wars kind of game play. this map is a little sloppy but it was the first real time ive ever used interlocking. basic idea of the air ducts is you go through the tele porter and have a mid air combat spree (something ive always wanted to see). also there are a few formidable power weapons and equipment placed on the map in obious and hidden places so keep a look out. and without further adu here are the screen shots! . . Red Base (birds eye view) Blue Base Air Ducts Landing Zone Hall Way (great for coordinated ambushes) Stairs Lead to Bases Upper Aesthetics Hidden Weapons are scattered through out the map . . Well that’s about it if you have any suggestions for a v2 or anything that I could do to improve this map please leave a post thanks! Download Feet First
This looks pretty fun, but I can't really tell much about the map from the pics so far. Ill have to download later. You could put the walls up better too.
i love the name, and the whole air duct idea... very original, that is, unless you stole it lol. but as far as i can tell, its extremely original. oh and:
lol. this is pretty good for no interlocking. if there is some, I am sorry about that. could someone rite a review on this map?
Idk looks ok but you only had birds eye views of the bases. More pics would help but thats just me, i think? anyways 3/5
u needz more interlockingz. LOL joke, this map looks pretty fun. I like the air duct idea. I would like something in Foundry Designer so I could see the overview of the map. 4/5 Good work! Just try and interlock stuff next time...