It would be in interesting outcome, but i must say the map would take a REALLY long time, arguments starting over small things like spawn placement. it would be a cool map but all the premiums would be throwing meat cleavers at eachother, then they'd get stressed and quit on the map. but it would be interesting.
Are you guys seriously going to do this?! Last time I saw this thread, Silence was the only one who had posted... and now almost every Premium on the site has posted! I think this is going to be awesome! And since I came up with the idea, can I look at the map and stuff while you guys are making it?
No!!! Just kidding not my decision. But IF the premium members came together to make a map that like that it would be a huge undertaking. And a lot of questions will be raised like what kind of map is it going to be or what kind of gametypes will be supported, along with many other questions to follow. IF they made a map it would deffinatly be the coolest in my opinion. And it would look the best in features. I'm sorry if this has already been talked about since I felt lazy and didn't feel like reading all them pages.
It would be awesome, TheSilenceBroken has kindly started the map already, so I'm interested to see what the map looks like! I think it is going to be a large sized map, but I'll just have to wait and see what the Premiums decide!
It'll be easiest if the map encompasses the majority of foundry, mainly because it takes a lot of resources to block off any portion of a map. The less we have to block off, the better. I'd also expect us to be building an asymmetric map. It'll be easier when handing it off to one another.
Thanks for your input Draw the Line, TheSilenceBroken has started the map, so you can ask him what he's making too.
ya we pretty much stated all that in the past and us premium.. ya we think alike.. b/c we all ****in rule.
Maybe someone should make some cool piece of geometry like the pipes in Martyrdom... that would be cool. Those really stuck out in the map and made me want to download it.
Ok, first of all, why was i not asked to help/give opinions on this uber awesome undertaking? I was like you guys once, lol. Secondly, I think it'd work out better if you all made a thread (in the hub pub) that discussed what sort of map, what gametypes etc. and then have a few of you (those who can) go off and make a sketchup design of the basic layout. I say basic because if you make the design too detailed, there will be no where for the other premiums to construct something creative.
Sorry Iv0rY Snak3! I didn't know you were a premium (I just saw Journalist). What's the Hub Pub anyway? EDIT: Iv0rY: Can you see if you can get the rest of the ABCrew to help with the map? That would be great, thanks.
to be honest, thats far more complicated then what im trying to do here. whats gonna happen is that we're gonna do a small portion of the map each, and pass it on the the next member. There should be a natural flow to it on its own. I do this with all my collaborations and they turn out fine [IMO]. So, heres how it will go... Me -> Debo Blaze Ivory and then we need to find out who wants to take it after Ivory, etc. it has been confirmed that DrawTheLine is doing spawns.
Here's the list and I know Matty wanted to make part of the map, so he can probably go after Ivory. I'll ask him.
heres a list of all the premium members BattyMan Bhuddacrane BlazeIsGod Cosmic Rick Debo37 Draw the Line iTs_NeXn thesilencebroken Sqorck TDHarding The Yellow Titmar Tex ShadowViper Blood Fire any others?
I've decided that I'd like to help building part of the map, so I'll go after Ivory if that's alright?
Excellent. We must all realise that the overall picture will be very different than any of us would do alone, so adding our own little hint of us in it is basically what we must do, while keeping the integrity of the map. im going to start a group for this. expect invitations premium guys. Those who wish to stay updated may watch this group from our profiles.
Technically Insane and Matty are premiums. As is TDF and Shock, and several other of the staff members.