Ze Halo Castle Ze Halo Castle is a giant castle on avalanche. It has a vehicle parking bay, two man cannons to launch you off the base, a sniper tower, a door and button to open it, looks awesome and has great game play. The defenders spawn at the castle and have to defend it, and the attacker spawn at the normal base, and have to attack the castle duh lol. and yes this has been posted before but this is an updated version of my the map, and i decided that its more casual then competitive. It works well with games like one bomb, territories, one flag CTF, and now infection! Download Now for the weapons lists! Attackers Weapons: 1 spartan laser 1 sniper riffle 2 spikers 1 shotgun 1 needler 1 fuel rod gun 1 carbon 4 Brs 1 power drainer 1 bubble shield 2 spike grenades Defenders Weapons: 5 Brs 2 carbons 2 SMGs 1 Rocket Launcher 1 spartan laser 1 sword 2 Maulers 1 sniper 1 needler 1 brute shot 2 turrets 1 plasma cannon 1 power drainer 1 trip mine 2 plasma grenades Other Weapons: 1 fuel rod gun 1 rocket launcher 1 turret 2 gravity lifts 1 invisibility 1 carbon 1 brute shot 1 deployable cover 1 sniper riffle 1 Br Now time for more pictures! Back of the castle One of the big changes of the map Attacker base The rest of the map Vehicle parking bay Back spawn room Flag/bomb Switch to open the front door The front door Ramp to the upper floor Sniper tower Some action pictures! Bomb go BOOM!!! Download Well please download, rate and tell me what you think!
Great castle, I had an idea just like this. 5/5 I love it, one of the best castles. Though the top is just a little sloppy.
it is a bit sloopy, but thats not really a big deal. good switch. nice merging. i tried to make an avalanche castle but it sucks compared to this. 5/5
i really like it you did a good job with it alot of the castles on avalanche usually suck (no offense to the others) but i really like it i like the switch option and the little arrow pointing to the switch but i think there should be more to the attackers side all in all 10/10 p.s how do you geomerge on avalanche what i mean is you use a door on foundry to put the object under what do you use to put objects under on avalanche thanks +rep 4 you
I've never really seen many castles on avalanche, but this will set the viewing standards for me. 5/5 p.s. I'm not that good of a forger, but if anyone wants to give me any tips, that would be great.
i've seen castles in the past that were really good, but i've never seen one on avalanche, but your castle on avalanche beats the ones that were in foundry in my opinion, this is OUTSIDE that makes a huge difference. im also glad to see that you interlocked! 4/5
ive not seen many castle and this is a great one - i like the interlocking - great ideas - good size - nice shapes - good amount of skills used - it would be great for alot of game types but not all - i guese its a CTF map and if it is i think that would make it better - 9/10