wow that looks and sounds awesome, i never thought to put an infection game inside a spaceship based map, like aliens i guess you could say are coming to kill the humans, awesome! nice work! 5/5
this map looks really fun, I've seen a few maps like this lately but this is the only one thats convinced me to dl. well done 4/5
The game plays like that one fat kid map where there are several room and a a gravlift spawns on a timer to help the humans go through a teleporter into the next room. I cant remember the name of that game but this game has the same idea, just with out the fat kid. I like this game much better. I just didnt think that the last room is even worth going to. To short of a room, better off making a stand across the bridge than going any forther.
Hey gizmo, it's fno0more. Well, one thing. At the start of the match, a lot of people jump on each other to get past the start prematurely. I recommend using timed man cannons instead, or just add a small barrier to make it impossible to jump up on.
dude just saying welldone this looks awesome one of the few maps that makes me want an instant d.l did that sound sexual? good! megalol welldone 12/10
I played this map a while ago and it was fun and heavily teamwork based. I like the part in the hallway where you can shoot the fusion cores. The palette bridge is a neat feature, and the game gets harder the farther you go, especially in that small room at the end. Overall it's a very suspenseful game, which is great for infection, and it's a great zombie survival game. The only annoying part is that people try jumping up to the second level early on, and this allows the zombies to end a round quite quickly because there aren't enough people on defense.
The map looks really well made, and the gameplay looks fun. I love how the location of the rooms adds the mysterious lighting and effects. The bridge was a nice add-on also. Like you said, this can't really support too many people, though. I'll give it a 4.5 until its made for 16 people. : )
I played the original of this. It was quite good, and everyone loved the drawbridge, but the map wasn't interlocked and although it didn't matter, everyone here seems to complain about it. Did you interlock in this version? Anything else new? Nice use of in the title
my brother hates infection but loves this map i like the switches and stuff but it gets boring in the survival shelter
It was very fun to play on with my friends! The only problem though is that it wasn't that well made... I don't know if that is how you intended for it to look. But it looked a bit sloppy and could use some interlocking and/or Geo-Merging if possible. Great job, 4/5!
I think this map is well built even though there is little interlocking. It was clearly put together quite well, especially in the upper level with the teleporter door and the bridge. I think we should give our opinions on the gameplay and our thoughts on how the creator can improve upon the formula.
Hello I've downloaded this map and played it. this map is very good look and good game play but the zombies can easily kill you at the beginning and also the first level people can join on peoples heads to boost up that's all i have to say about this map 5/5 for this map.
This map feels kinda like omega journey some how the whole falling back part seems like a good idea so im gonna give it a try.
Pros Presentation of the map very good. I have not seen and infection map like it to date. Looks like one it would have amazing game play. Cons Looks repetitive (after 5 or so matches) Overall: Looks like the new Omega Journey,5/5