I was playing on a level that had a massive ship floating over avalanche, when I came up with a good idea. What if two ships were to be made side by side, and each of them could belong to a team? The objective could be to raid the enemy ship for treasure (flags), sneak onboard and plant an explosive (assault), or to simply have a good old pirate ship battle on the high seas? Immagine two massive ships lobbing fusion coils at each other, while a mob of sword swinging, pistol shooting pirates charge each other! How awsome would that be!?!
It takes lots of items and money to build to ships maby two medium size ships anywaz if you like ships check out mine and see if you get any ideas.
There probably wouldn't be enough resources for 2 huge ships though. Anyways, it would be cool if you had fusion coils spawning over man cannons facing at the other ship as if they were a cannon.
You would probably need to use the unlimited budget glitch for such a huge project. Really good idea.
Check Out!!!! Hail Mary Aircraft Carrier Vs. Gunship. This is my edit of Jackal Anubis' "Air Raid map. Assault all air map that it looks like star wars when you've got a big team. Check out the video 2 minute video on my fileshare at Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing It's one continuous flying shot of the air battle so press play and sit back and witness the mastery. Play it again and go into flying camera mode and check out the other side of the map to see the attacker air craft carrier.
I could see the bases being used to extend the ship via teleporters. The metal would seem similar to a ship and would be somewhat believable if you block of the entrances correctly.