The Underbog

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr Pokephile, Oct 1, 2008.


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  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By: Bl00D F1R3

    Recommend Players: 2-8

    "After the storm hit, these ruins are now used as spartan training centers "

    Good Day Sir! Welcome to my newest addition to my map collection; "Underbog". Underbog is a turning point in my forging career as it uses mind blowing merges, on angles I thought to be impossible.

    Like most of my maps, the name was chosen from the world of warcraft dungeon "Underbog" For some reason this name really appeals to me, it makes me think of vertical towers and pillars, witch this map is chock-full of them.

    Some of you may know the story/history be-hind this map, its a really funny story. Well first off I wanted to start a new map, using the new style of merging I learned and I wanted to make something unique that would make people go " Wow nice merging blahahaba." So I tried to merge as much as possible on this map. I started of with a base, I didn't want to make it a regular base, so I tried to spice it up and make it unique. There's a lift in it that will bring you up to the BR tower or the flag spam. Anyways, after I built the base I started brain storming and constructing new Ideas and designs for it. I started my regular forging habits; forging as much as I can, testing etc. so a few weeks later I finished it and initiated testing. I started it and it was god-awful. I hated it, there was only few sections of the map I liked. So I said to my self " If I don't like it, delete it" . I went back in to forge and did a power wipe, I deleted almost everything on the map accept the few sections that I liked and then started forging again. Now I'm back and satisfied with my newest creation " Underbog "


    Underbog is a a-symmetric map that uses the general area of foundry. There is 3 bases on the map and as you play different game types, you will find that the attackers will spawn in different bases depending on the game type. For example; Capture the flag, The attackers will spawn in the far base so its a longer flag run, but in King of the hill the attackers spawn in the closer base for a quicker route to the first hill. There is many structures on the map witch all intertwine with each other to make a really competitive feel to the map.

    The Shield Door
    Love it or hate it, Its there, and it serves a specif purpose. The purpose of it is to not make the center structure so open to fire along the main street. If It was not there, the main structure would be to open and too easy to capture and two hard to defend.

    Map Durability
    From what I have seen, I have not seen a way to break the map, I am pretty sure its impossible to break it as I can't even escape it in monitor mode. The only concern I have is the center structure, but I'm pretty confidant that its un-breakable. Also previous maps of mine are known to have spawn troubles, not this one. I learned from Devnish how toproperly do spawns and he helped me out a ton. So thanks goes to him :)

    Call Outs
    • Center Mid-Very center structure
    • Street - main route to the two bases, open along the side
    • Blue Base - the attacker's base, tower one.
    • Red Base - the defender's base, Bunker one.
    • Back Corner- back corner near Red Base.
    • Trip-mine -Trip mine/alternate attackers base.

    Supported Game types:

    • [*] Slayer
      [*]Odd ball

    Recommended Game types :

    • KOTH - 4-8
    • Slayer -2-8
    • Odd Ball - 4-8
    • CTF -4-8


    More Facts:
    In the map I do take advantage of the symmetry option by making a ghost spawn on a-symmetric games only. Also the rocket launcher and regenorator spawn on symmetric games only.

    The Following Pictures Were taken on the last match of testing.


    Download The Underbog
    #1 Mr Pokephile, Oct 1, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw the preview of this map, i havent got to play it but i wish i had.
    Once i get my xbox back it'll be on my list,

    As for the map, I think your pictures are good, but they dont give a real good view of the map. However the video does wonders.
    One thing i like about your maps is the cool/unique structures.
    I like the slanted wall base, and how the structure doubles as a elevator in a way. And then at the end you land perfectly on your own personal safe square :)The box geomerged all the way into the wall, serving as a step to get up. Everything is perfectly interlocked. Just like always.

    I also liked the way you had the ramps going up the corner, It reminded me of something i did in a map a while back, obviously yours looks a lot neater, but i like the effect. Me and a friend once though about making a map that would be built right under the yellow part that sticks out near the top of foundry, so it would be like a built-in roof. I think the feel of seeing something different in a map used so much makes a map really stand out.
    Its hard to talk about your maps now, most of the time i can go along with "Looks nice, but you should fix..."
    "I would suggest you interlock a bit smoother to...."
    But i cant seem to find anything i dont like.
    I just wish they would release an extra large forge for you, to see whats creatable lol.

    With the pictures and the video, Instrucions and gameplay: This map rates very high
    ***** stars for you.

    P.s. It says my Xbox is being shipped back right now, Dont know how long it will take or anything but you'll know when i'm back :) cant wait.
    A SouthPark Kid and Mace like this.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is pretty amazing. im gonna download and c how it plays. and like u said the merging is pretty good blahahaha

    ill get bak to u

    and i usually thought that reserving was for stuff ur gonna make?
  4. Sage

    Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love this map its the only one of yours that i can do amazing. the geomerging is spectacular Like in the second pic with that sweet base also the wall base is amazing to with the perfect grav lift thing. Also the center thing the shield door works perfectly.

    Where is the video its not up yet and i want to see it.

    RECON-did he ask Sarge/Shock
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  5. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the pics look amazing every one of your maps have such amazing structure. i hope this would get a feature
    Mace likes this.
  6. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this sir, is your sexiest map

    I'd love to play it, as you know, but as you know also, I haz no, I'll get back to you with a full review once I get it back.

    For now, I believe this was your most anticipated map. You ahd proved yourself as a skilled forger, above most of us here (not including me though (lol jk)) and truly speechless. Like I said. I will and cant wait to write up an ass long post for this map, as it is deserving of that, and doubly more!
    Mace likes this.
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Another great map by Bl00d F1r3! I wanted this map ever since you released the preview. That slanted structure in the corner really caught my eye at first glance and the other tower is cool how is wraps around the piller. I will download this now, but unfortunately, I can't get on now, but I will hopefully be able to test it tonight! I'll edit my post with more of a review once I play the map too.
    (I'm the one on Youtube who asked about slanted geomerging by the way)
    A SouthPark Kid likes this.
  8. 101Productions

    101Productions Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks pretty cool, the merging was great, and the geo merging made this whole map look like a real war-like city. And gameplay also looks awesome.

    OMG THOSE GUYS HAVE REC0N, Do you have their GTs??? I w4nt t0 4sk th3m 4 rec0n!!!!!!!!! (jking.....)
  9. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a wonderful map, the geomerging, fantastic, the interlocking is phenominal. I am truly astounded. I love the central structure. Another great map by Bl00D F1R3! I smell a feature.

    P.S. Is that II Flowers II in the pics?
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    very nice a much better map than your botanica from the lokos
    the merging is very spectacular, i like the angled merging the most
    interlocks are good and map is nice and cleancut
    i really like the merging into the gate, and you might want tos how more pics of the back area, the base is kinda overshown, also the wall base needs more pics, cant really see it to much
    in other words overview pics
  11. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow. what a great map. I saw this map in your forging school video. This looks extremely sexy with that tunnel(with great geomerging and interlocking btw) and also the wall structure with the grav lift and where the flag is kept.

    The gameplay looks like it would be extremely great and the CTF games look like it would be awesome. And looks like your best map, in my opinion.

    So you sir, have got my download and I will be back with a review.
    Not surprised if this one will get featured. That is a call. :p
    A SouthPark Kid likes this.
  12. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't think its possible for you to make a bad map, Bl00D F1R3. The Interlocking is amazing! I wish i could do it like you! And your Geomerging is... Impecible (I know, no one sais that anymore)!!!!! But the Base in pic 2 could have been cleaner, and it is very smal and blank for a base...

    And the Pics took a long time to load too, I would suggest making them smaller o.0

    All toghether, No doubt 5/5. I would die a lil inside if i didn't DL this.
  13. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I saw this I said "Wow nice merging blahahaba."

    You did an incredible job with this map, I love the area around the shield door (maybe you should slant the shield door though?)

    > awesome layout
    > very creative
    > interesting design
    > good choice of weapons
    > incredible aeshthetics

    > screenshots took FOREVER to load (maybe it's just me)


    This map will be featured, your best map!
  14. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally its been posted i had a great time testing this b100d. It played great and i know you have been doing a lot of work on this. Oddball was fun especially the super awesome spot under the ramp that goes up lol :p. Ill do a forgethrough and get back to you(altough it's hardly worth doing one prorbably not going to find many cons lol).
  15. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    tell you the truth blood...
    when we were testing this
    (let me tell you it's a butifull map)
    it just didn't give me any spark, it felt like i only was doing slayer on a regular map.
    it's like Scarfaced said.
    the map worked for slayer...
    it just was like i was playing it on foundry.
    I love your maps, but I'd say (no offense or anything) but if this gets featured, I'd be kind of disapointed.
    like I am at the resent features...
    But the map is nice,
    and the goe-merging was great.

    Ohh ya an btw...
    ya i had a cold, i'm not a jew.
    i was coughing.
    A SouthPark Kid likes this.
  16. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map was alright. It could have definitely been a bit better. It's a different kind of map I guess. I really liked the geo-merging, but geo-merging isn't everything.
  17. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I LOVE this map. I have TONS of fun on this map. Territories is great. I saw it in your "preview" thread and I've been waiting for it ever since.

    Great Merging and interlocking. The gameplay is great as well. I think that it could do with a little less grenades and maybe some more barriers over by the "fan" side of the map. Other than that, this is about an 8.5. Great Job. You deserve a pizza.
  18. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have two photos that are the same. The ones with the two red guys...

    you deserve a miliion pizzas...
  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Wow nice merging blahahaba.

    No really.

    I'm glad to see this, I've seen your preview on the forum and your latest youtube vid where you walk around it.

    The interlocking and geo-merging on this map are insane. You made the most perfects merges. The design is awesome, it all fits well together. I really like that slanted middle structure shown in the 5th picture. The slanted base is great. Now, it's only a matter of time until this gets featured! I really need to d/l.
  20. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Testing on this was a blast! I thought you said you were going to make it your 1000th post though? Anyways, the geomerging was superb and im glad you restarted on this map because I didnt want to see you come up with a fail map after your 3 other features. The aesthetics are purely awesome and it plays great too. BTW remember that map we took the picture on where everyone stuck me at the same time? Ya well someone stole it. his name is LT Burns or something.

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