This is a close-quarters infection map trying to recreate the train segment in Gears of War where you must defend a passenger car from waves of wretches coming from entrances in the ceiling (get it? TRAAM?). Map is here The infected start above the passenger car and drop down through two holes on each side of the passenger car to attack the humans below. The humans have a few walls and short barricades to use for "cover". This is a very simple map--it was designed that way, so please don't expect fireworks. Features include interlocking to improve visual appearance and use of the "A" and "B" signs to help orient players in the passenger car. Outside of that, it is a simple concept that should be a lot of fun! Images from the passenger car.. Images from the infected starting area.. (teleporter returns people who have left the "play area" to the infected starting area) Thanks for checking it out
Really nice map, the only thing is why didn't you put stuff outside of the fence walls to look at? The blank map is kinda boring, but I guess you don't look outside then killing zombies though. Really nice and fun. Good job.
I've got it set to download, I guess what really caught my eye was how well you duplicated that part of GOW. I can't wait to check it out.
Looks very PRETTY (for lack of a better term) I doubt I will get to play on this but ima definately download and check out your ideas. Good work judging from the pics. *thumbs up!*