Yeah, its cool. I like the way that the "water" comes out from the helmet. Or looks like it. Cool pic
The only thing that could make it better was if you did the same kind of thing but on a different map so the background fits in.
i like how this isn't really staged, just kind of spontaneous. also the haybusa doesn't really fit in that much.
thanks for all the comments and rates, but yea ill try to make this another level but like with a watery background, or maybe fire for a elemental chief.
it almost looks like the aftermath of a plasma grenade, but then again the gravity hammer can make some pretty godly outcomes when it comes to screenies, nice job on the photography dude 8/10
hey thanks guys for all the comments i tried to get this out on Bungie but got shot down, but i still need to find a good background for my elemental master "chief"
its good but not. The colors are nice and pleasing to look at but the background completly throws that off. I would say that the background and the placement of the person ruins the entire pic. overall 4/10