Me, Breaking the FHfavorites map: Clive EDIT: teh peoples: this is just a random pic, nothing pointing out about this map, just a random pic. Brought to you by the forge-hub map breakers. Ok, many people today try very hard to break out of forge maps, and beleive it or not, just about all maps with forged-boundries are breakable. Breaking tips 1.Grenade Jumps You may know, but this is the most simple tactic, all you do is throw a grenade, and with its explosion, jump so that you go up a little higher, very usefull. 2. Power-pooping Better known as equiptment-Jumping, this is basically jumping from a dropped radar jammer, you must look reletivetly down and jump as you rlease the power up. 3.Explosives By moving an explosive near a wall, you can stand on it, jump and while rising, explode it, you will go almost twice as far as a grenade jump. Equiptment-Grenade jumps By placing a radar jammer at a wall and throwing a nade, you will go almost as high as an explosive jump 4. Brute-shot jump simple, just aim at the ground, and shoot as you jump (PS: remember, missle pods are not brute shots... ok, just watch this vid) Will Edit more in later
Umm, you could have just taken a video of you breaking the map and then sent it to the designer. A new thread was not needed.
Aw, come on dude, why you have to pcik on Clive? I tested this map and I can honestly say it was the most fun CTF game I have ever played with any of the testers.
I dont think the point of this thread was to say that clive is breakable. I think he made a helpful thread for map makers, when they are making maps they should look out for this kind of stuff so that people dont escape during gameplay EDIT: you totally forgot teh brute shot!!!
Trip mine jump? That's the easiest way to break troika. Just throw it down then jump over it to set it off, the blast will carry you twice as high as a frag grenade.
The foolproof way to break a map is to go into Forge mode and delete the restraining wall. Ta-da! It's gone.