Hello all im sure some of you know what xfire is but for the ones that don't. Xfire is a free tool that automatically keeps track of when and where gamers are playing PC games online and lets their friends join them easily. It works regardless of game type, server browser, or gaming service that a player is using. Xfire eliminates the hassles of running multiple programs like IRC, instant messengers, or in-game friends lists to keep track of when and where a gamer's friends are playing. It supports the best and the latest online PC games including server and non-server-based First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy, and Role Playing Games. Think of of it as skype or msn but you can plug in a microphone and talk to one another, and do that while playing a pc game. Interested, im knew you would, well im going to give you a step by step guide on how to install it. 1. The first step is to head over to xfire.com 2. click the big download button on the homepage and you should come to a 3 step guide. Click the top yellow bar and click download. 3. A tool box should pop up and give you the option to open - save - cancel. Click save and put it in any folder. 4. Once downloading is complete, double-click the Xfire installer icon and follow the instructions to finish installation and create a free Xfire account. 5. You should now have something like this on your desktop. 6. Click your xfire tab and it should come up like this.(providing you have created an account) Now you can add friends, start talking and playing games. - DRiSCOLL