The Vocab Map Pack by xDylan1Kenobix (Maps Not Up For Download - V2s in production) The Vocab Map Pack By xDylan1Kenobix Map 1 - Ocilation Ocilate - Verb - To swing back and forth Description - Ocilation is a fairly small map made for 2-4 people. There are several areas reachable by grav lift or grenade jump that allow the jumper to have a commanding view, but come at the price of being very open. Download the Map Here - : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map 2 - Pancea Pancea - Noun - The cure for everything Note: Man Cannons to be removed after recent playtesting. Description - Pancea is a fairly small symetrical map made for symetrical gametypes (duh!!). There are very few ways across to each others bases so make sure your assaults count, and players will respawn very close by so get in then get out! Note - The new version is now up Download this map here - : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map 3 - Incipient Incipient - Adjective - In the first stages, Begining - NEW SCREENSHOTS - Description - Incipient is an Asymetrical Map made for FFA gametypes and 1 sided objective team gametypes. This map is one of my best yet and plays very well. I really hope u enjoy it. Note - The new version of this map is up Download this map here - : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Thanks for checking it out! There will be more maps coming soon. Thanks for all of your helpfull advice. Edit - For those of you who find this now so deep in the forums, these maps are currently being V2d, please let this thread die a new post will be made with the brand new maps and file share system.
yeah, first find them on bungie, then 'save as' them and go to, upload them, and copy & paste the IMG code
You know, the maps actually looks really good. I see that you got some interlocking and some geomerging. Im I right? No thing, the bridges would look a lot better if you flipped them. Right now they look a little weird. I like how you have a lot of maps to show off. They all look good, but do need some cleaning up and bridges flipped. other than that, looks like a great map. I would suggest cleaning it up a little bit then it will look great. Good First Forgehub Maps.
By bridges do you mean the ones that I am using for platforms like the sniper area on Incipient? If so, then yea those would probably look better and cleaner if i flipped them.
I would agree that it is about (if not a wee bit better) the scale of the original foundry's greatness. It almost looks like something bungie would make out of foundry. The thing I would suggest is to interlock the boxes that you walk ontop of. Those little bumps can be really annoying, and sometimes grenades get caught in them. 4/5 because i liked all the maps looks and layouts, but it's nothing amazing. I will download.
yeah, this isnt one of those noobish maps with no interlocking, it looks very well made, but V2s would benifet. sorry for spelling, but 4/5
these maps looks cool. the map pack name suits the names of the maps. not very common words. despite the kind of basic layout, they are well made, good interlocking and stuff. If this was a vocab test, and the scoring was based nothing on vocab, but on how well the maps were made, i would give you an A! 5/5! keep on forging!
In the first map do the rockets overpower the map much? The bridges on every map would look nicer if they'd been flipped; but I'm sure that's been stated. Overall: 3.7/5
If this was a mapmaking test, and the scoring was based nothing on mapmaking but on how much you fail at creating coherent sentences, I would give you an A!
I took around 5 hours for each map. I used the foundry designer to get the idea for Pancea, but the rest just came to me as I forged. For Incipient I started with the large stairwell and then cut off the rest of the map. Ideas came to me from their and I forged them!
they are working for me - good looking map - good size and shape but not loads of interlocking - 7/10