Ahahahaha, an undying topic. I've got to type this in a hurry. On Rape: At any rate, maybe the woman didn't have a choice to be raped or not - but neither did the child. Poor **** didn't choose to be made that way, did he? And if you look at that end of the spectrum, you have to look at the other end too. Making abortion legal is just going to encourage both rapists and teens to "do their thing". After all, the less likely/severe the consequences are, the more reason to do it, right? And BTW, it does indeed encourage rapists, because, if a woman can simply clean up the mistake and pretend it never happened (and there are those that do), she's much less likely to take you to court, report the incident, or even file charges, Right? On "It's her body": Problem is, just because it is in her body doesn't mean it is her body. On Defective Birth Control: Here, abortion is an example of the laws covering for people who are to immature to look out for their own mistakes. If you're not ready to have a child, don't ****ING HAVE SEX. On "it's not life": You can't measure the value of a life one way or another - the mother's OR the child. Both should be given the right to live, and let nature work out who lives and who dies. At any rate - Who are we, humanity to decide who should live and who should die when dealing with innocent people? Do everything you can for both. C section if need be. On my stance: I don't have one. Abortion happens, female lives are saved. I could stop to think about how statistically speaking, most women who would come unto a situation in which they'd require an abortion deserve to have their lives sacrificed [metaphorically] to the child's benefit, but then I'd have to factor in it would be a relatively bad mother to be in said situation. Then I'd have to prepare the argument for either side, against either side, as well as a binding argument that would, in the end, show that I truly have no standpoint, merely observations. Personally, I would not want any child of mine aborted - a life is forming as soon as that egg is hit. Not some "thing", not some "animal", but a little human. My little human. I don't see myself being with a woman who would not agree with this, and therefore my life is damned near set in regards to the subject. People will live, people will die. As long as it doesn't directly affect me... I can't honestly say I give half a flying ****. Arguments like this can never be won. All we can do here is post essay posts, give people headaches, and of course, the never-ending postcount ++.
I don't believe it is really alive until it leaves the womb. That's my stance. Preventing something from living isn't a big deal because it isn't actually killing something. Even if it is killing something, life doesn't mean ****. All fine by me.
I don't so much mind other people killing their children. I just refuse to acknowledge their goddamned justification of it.
However, you're leaving it as an open opinion; I felt inclined to elaborate upon my conclusion & the slight digression in relation. Apologies, Sharp.
Abortion is murder.It's true.Your are taking the life away of a living cell whether it be a full human or not it is living. Though as people said before ,what if a woman gets raped,and then becomes pregnant.First the father was a rapist which makes the woman feel terrible at the sight of the child.So she might go for an abortion.Which then makes it less likely for the rapist to be caught or to even be thought about.Which will encourage rapists and minors. But minor sex is the minors choice.The had sex,they had sex.Nothing that can stop that.If the female partner gets pregnant then is their fault. If there were no abortions the chances of those two storied would be less likely. But back to the murdering part.Which makes me a little confused is how theres a law not to kill.But by killing someone inside a womans womb/body can slide by the rules and won't count. But see if there was no abortions ,then I think our tax dollars should go more to orphanages rather then some of the non-sense it does go torphanages should be easier to conclude to for a woman and should be more of a home to an orphan rather than a 'facility'. Whatever happens this is ongoing debate.But with the upcoming presidential election vice president candidate, Sarah Palin,is against abortion. Wonder what will happen if McCain gets elected.
Pro-choice. Let's face it, a fetus, in the stages its allowed, has just about as much consciousness as a half-dead vegetable. The strongest arguement against abortion would be "Abortion limits potential human life!" However, after thinking the arguement over so can sperm. Sperm has potential to be a human. With that logic, masturbation isn't allowed. You are murdering something that could have become a politician or a policewoman or a fire truck. For you Christian fundamentalists out there, if abortion limits the potential for human life, then so does not impregnating every single woman you possibly can. Women must have babies and then get pregnant again and again until they die or hit menopause. Men need to actively seek out more women than just one so as to not hinder the potential life between your legs. It sounds ridiculous but if your against abortion because of the hindrance of human life then it is necessary for you to be called a hypocrite. "WHY ABORT, SET THE BABY UP FOR ADOPTION!" Whose going to adopt it, you? It is ridiculous to think that babies just go to the orphanage and leave in just a snap. They are faced with substandard living conditions and mental trauma from not having a father or a motherly figure in their life. If you are against abortion then go adopt a baby today. Stop expecting everyone else to pick up the slack for you. "...God wouldn't have an abor-" God wouldn't have an abortion? He does it all of the time! Miscarriage - the expulsion of a fetus before it is viable, esp. between the third and seventh months of pregnancy; spontaneous abortion. Compare abortion (def. 1). Abortion - Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. The only difference between a miscarriage and abortion is that one is voluntary. The others are left up to god. On average since the '70s about 1 million babies yearly have been aborted. Since the '70s about 3 million babies yearly have been aborted by god. In the past decade god has killed 750,000,000 babies. I digress. --- Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not a homicidal baby killer. I think abortions kinda suck, but it is a person's right to choose and I won't let emotions judge for me or limit human liberty. Though, if you plan on killing the baby past 3 months or after birth I am strictly opposed to that idea.
+Rep I have to spread my rep around before giving you any, but I want to ask this post to marry me. I thought you should know.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- See what I did there? Side notes: lolwut? What Sarah Palin thinks doesn't matter. Unless the president dies, the VP doesn't matter much to be frank.
All I have to say is he kills things everyday without realizing it. Sometimes he does realize it when he squishes a bug. That arguement is pretty much erroneous by default. But I see where he is coming from and I can sympathize.
It is the Mothers decision really, you may be taking a life away from a child. But it's hard to raise a child, putting it in a foster home still effect's their mental health when they grow up.
And let's face it, there are half-dead vegetables that've had millions spent keeping them alive merely because they've been alive. In an inverse look into this here spectrum, shouldn't we kill all severely retarded peoples because they're "half-dead vegetables"? The answer, as with abortion, is it depends on who you are & what your beliefs may be. Listen to Sharp on the matter - contrary to the label I've just given it, it doesn't matter one way or another. Decide for yourself.
Well really when you have sex, you should realize that you're taking a large responsibility upon yourself. You're making yourself vulnerable to STDs and, yes indeed, pregnancy, whether or not you're wearing a condom, are "on the pill", or believe you are unable to conceive children (I saw it on Dr. Phil). I thought this was obvious to everyone but incredibly stupid people, and very small children. Neither of which should be having sex. Because that's unsafe, and kind of perverted, based on whichever it is. The point is when you choose to have sex, you're signing an unspoken contract. You're going to be vulnerable to pregnancy. And as an adult (hopefully it's adults that are getting pregnant and such) you must accept responsibility for our actions. A murder must. Why shouldn't a person who got pregnant also have to pay their dues? And I do think killing a fetus is murder. When a woman's pregnant she doesn't know until about a month. You know when it's past that time of the month. Menstruation. By then, the baby is tiny, and about the size of a pencil point. But nontheless, it already has a beating heart and has been growing hormones. It is living. So in short, I believe abortion is wrong. We should be able to take responsibility for our actions, and you truly are killing a living thing. The exceptions to this rule should be: rape, incest, or if the mother's health is in danger, and she may die from having th baby. So is abortion right? I figure its better left behind. LOL PUNS!
No, that's just stupid. Your equating non-life to life with no consciousness, with life to life with no consciousness. Logically speaking, we should let them go if they are in an unrecoverable coma. However, our emotions impede upon our judgment and life experiences with that person will not allow us to do what the eventual outcome will be. It should be your choice to decide to remove the tube or not (with strong doctor recommendation of course). As per the severely handicapped. If they will never move from birth or experience consciousness then I see them being put to death as a viable option. They are just biological machines at that point and we do ourselves a disservice by equating human emotions to that machine. I am still firmly pro-choice. If you want to keep the baby, that's fine. You can personify whatever you want to it. However, it doesn't make it real.
I'm sorry Cricket but I can't reply to you. You have covered that "rant" with so much verbiage that if I even attempted to grasp what you were thinking it would be an effort in futility. The most likely outcome would be me making a fool of myself addressing the wrong topic. I usually find that more intelligent and genuine people generally use simpler language (not calling you stupid-far from it). For the simple fact that they want the other side to understand their arguement in an attempt to change the opponents ideals. I won't be the first of the last person to use big words, I do it all the time; especially when dealing with scientific debates which requires the use of those words. However, in the midst of your convoluted phrase, I find it hard, as stated, to reply. If you wish to have a fulfilling debate and a fun one, I would request you reformulate your arguement. If you do not wish to do so, I will have no qualms against you, and I hope someone in the near future chooses to reply to you. Best wishes, Nitrous. Edit: No sense in removing your arguement. You could have just as easily kept it and replied in simpler terms.
On a more worldly note, those supporters of abortion often relate existence to person hood. This, in my opinion, is quite faulty. Person-hood equates to attributes of a human- breathing, signs of emotion, ETC. Existence is something that is heavily disputed. I see plenty of logical argument from both parties. However, can anyone tell me why the first President of the United States died? He died of a practice that'd been used for decades. Tell me, then, how certain you are of a practice the human race has known for much, much less than that? We cannot dictate. Truly, we're more ignorant than we think. Day 1: Conception: Of the 200,000,000 sperm that try to penetrate the mother’s egg cell, only one succeeds. At that very moment, a new and unique individual is formed. All of the inherited features of this new person are already set – whether it’s a boy or girl, the color of the eyes, the color of the hair, the dimples of the cheeks and the cleft of the chin. He or she is smaller than a grain of sugar, but the instructions are present for all that this person will ever become. The first cell soon divides in two. Each of these new cells divides again and again as they travel toward the womb in search of a protected place to grow. That's an obviously Pro-Life argument. However, it's just as much a "shot in the dark" as any Pro-Choice argument. Sure, we have our research to fall back on, but so did the folks who killed Mr.Washington.
I don't understand the problem. Sorry for the bump, but I don't think you're meant to make new threads about old debates.
Unless you were raped, there's really no excuse for it. Use t3h pill! Btw: having an abortion is more risky than giving birth.