It's a remake to a map with features from another map idea, it's obviously not going to be original, and it plays differently than the original. Don't remember ever saying that, unless we played it like 10 times in a row. Both versions aren't the kind of map that you play over and over for a very long time.
in the video they only spawn in 1 crate. try putting it so they spawn in all of them cause then they know which on to blow up
To my knowledge, you can't put priorities on spawns, if not I would. I believe you might be able to put priorities on spawn areas but not points. All the spawns are exactly the same as The Swings, so it plays more like the classic. I may change that later.
Then how would you play this with larger parties? And playing with large parties is when this map is at it's peak performance.
well maybe make two maps of the same thing one for big ones with like two in each and for smaller parties you can have 1 for each
Why would I make two versions of the same map unless it had reasonable improvements? People wouldn't keep two versions of pretty much the same thing on their hard drive and that would also take up too much room on my file share that could be used for a map or another file.
well just have like 1 on some and 2 in other boxes cause your not ganna play with like more then 8 on a team
k now its getting ridiculous. just stop already its getting really annoying. speed e cake isnt gonna change anything and thats that. and also i like the map a little more than i did before. just thought i'd let you know
That is exactly right. The train and Jenga tower were good, and this makes another addition to the hall of fame of fun for zombies AND humans!
Personally, I believe this map is in recognition of being a feature. Possibly even being a Bungie Favorite. The Distinct angles and curvatures of the Brute Shot round make the game unwillingly extravagent. Fear spreads like wildfire when encountering the se saws, a large explosion, a wire spool, which direction is up, a small bird flutters by, and too late, New Chombie. Kind Sumaritans, please, please take a vicious interest in the perfectionality of the se saws, we're counting on you. -Sincerely, BoomStick
Well, the first version made by I Cottage I was featured so I doubt this will get featured, but thanks for those kind words. I'm also planning on making a v2 for those who care. Better spawns, more things to chuck through man cannons, the problem of flying ontop of the fence will be fixed and possibly more!
i really liked the 1st map but this looks even better because now the humans wont assassinate the zombies and the crates wont get stuck standing up, the launchers look really neat to 5/5
Wow, best mini-game ever! Its so much fun running back and forth in the crates and almost tipping them. Only problem is everyone always spawns in the same crate, its really easy to jump onto land, and when there are alot of people it lags out and boxes delete from under you.